RSO using grape seed alcohol


Well-Known Member
Good evening all! I was recently asked by a cancer patient to make some oil for their oral consumption while going thru chemo. This is my first time using grape seed alcohol previously I've used ever clear but this patient doesnt agree with using it as he says "There are is to much residual sugar left" in the extract. Not to sure if this is true or not. But it leads me to some questions.

Has anyone used grape seed? If so is it essentially the same process?

Is a 15 minutes so is long enough for 500 grams of material?

Is there a brand of stirring hot plate you recommend?

Thank you all for your input ahead of time!
Grape seed oil and ethanol from grapes are two different animals. You can extract with grape seed oil, but can't reduce it afterwards, so you are limited in concentration and potency.

Grape ethanol is essentially the same as grain ethanol, though methanol comes from fruit pectin, so there is more in the fore shot and heads coming out of the still.

I start at three minutes with a QWET extraction.

We use and love our CAT Scientific hot plates.