Rub the oil on your skin

Freedom seed

Well-Known Member
I am just in from a remarkable cannabinoid fueled journey and I need to share what I have learned. With all these novel ways of using cannabis these days it would do us good to look to the past.

I was having an issue with getting my tolerance up but I needed more to help the healing along. Rubbing the same simple coco and alcohol extracts that we eat, on to our skin has done more for me over a dozen applications than eating jars full has. It has more effect on my digestive system than eating it does. I could feel toxins draining out of my body. I could feel little kidney stones moving freely. And I could eat as much oil as I wanted after.

An hour after I took it the first time I felt my heart pounding in my gut, it felt like my organs woke up, and started talking to each other.

Be warned. You will get real fucking high. It will teach you things. But it’s allright, much different and very balanced and spiritual. It’s by far my favourite now.

I started with about twice the amount that I’d eat of coco and rubbed it on my entire body. Then I spiked it with the dark stuff as needed. I can feel it in five minutes and the effect can last for a couple days. It blew my mind when I had a shower the next day and got high again.

Obviously this is a strict testimony of what I felt when I did it, and not medical advice of any type. I don’t offer such for profit, not really my business.

The most obvious advice that I could add though is don’t put toxins on your skin from the use of impure products.

Grow it cheap...and stack it deep.

If anyone else has had these experiences or decides to try it I would love to hear about it.
everyone is different :idea:

I killed my stage 4 recurrent colon Cancer, with Metastasis to my liver.
Going on 9 years clear eating a gram at night with ...well.......a little high now lol :|
When I used to burn, I didn't feel a think at 1000 mgs at night,,,:idea::weed::D
Not burning anything anymore and I do feel a gram slightly just before bed.
Definitely nothing like I felt the first time..:shock::idea::lol: what Can I say..We are all different
Once PHARM and THE REST FIGURE IT OUT .......we Will be ahead of the game
GB I’ve smoked it for 26 years now. Started eating it two years ago. Your symptoms are all too familiar going by some of the things you’ve wrote on this board.

I agree that everybody is different.
Anyone remember the article in cannabis culture where Marc Emery was "anointed" in a ridiculous amount of cannabis ingused oil? He said it didn't work, that's the only weird variable when it comes to topicals and edibles from person to person, some people dont get a whole lot of anything from them while some do. Glad to hear from people who it works for. I fall into the category of them not doing a whole lot.
I really can feel it in five minutes or so. Another person that I know tried a half dozen times before she even felt an effect.

When I first tried I was thinking how I could maximize the effect and it lead me to cover basically the entire body. Some areas could have higher absorption like thinner skin, or glands. So I used warm oil and maximum surface area.

The guy that had the photos of putting rso on his basal skin tumours recently on here reported he caught an effect if he put too much on just the area he treated.

Also there is a good account on here of somebody when he really needed it taking a bath with a large amount and it did him good.

I met Emery once when he had his store in London, ON I remember he handed me informational sheets that he had printed up about the health effects of the cannabis plant and it’s seeds and we yakked for a bit on the subject. It was actually tough to find a commercial supply of hempseed in Canada until a few years after that, but once I did it has become a staple in my diet.
I helped out an elderly friend one time...she had 14-16 tumors on her leg...and she used RSO straight up topically and in 6-7 weeks her skin returned to normal...and the cancer appeared to be gone except for 2 small ones which bought her 7 more years.... before she was re diagnosed with lung cancer...
she did tell me she would catch a small buzz and was a bit unstable on her feet...(almost fell a couple of times,thankfully she didn't) from topical use.
But she was using 14-16 quarter sized blobs on diff spots on her a decent sized dose.

On her second battle her husband sourced grey market RSO which she ate... he said a gram at a time... but she basically stayed in bed for the first couple weeks...until she built a tolerance...she went 6 more years... she eventually gave in to the cancer at 89,and it was metastasized from lung to pancreas and liver /colon...but she did not want to do chemo or she escaped that..for sure...and managed to live out her life basically pain free....
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I helped out an elderly friend one time...she had 14-16 tumors on her leg...and she used RSO straight up topically and in 6-7 weeks her skin returned to normal...and the cancer appeared to be gone except for 2 small ones which bought her 7 more years.... before she was re diagnosed with lung cancer...
she did tell me she would catch a small buzz and was a bit unstable on her feet...(almost fell a couple of times,thankfully she didn't) from topical use.
But she was using 14-16 quarter sized blobs on diff spots on her a decent sized dose.

On her second battle her husband sourced grey market RSO which she ate... he said a gram at a time... but she basically stayed in bed for the first couple weeks...until she built a tolerance...she went 6 more years... she eventually gave in to the cancer at 89,and it was metastasized from lung to pancreas and liver /colon...but she did not want to do chemo or she escaped that..for sure...and managed to live out her life basically pain free....
It's important to change the way you lived before cancer and keep up on taking oil as well for maintenance.
I used to weight 245 and have been my natural ..not over weight for years now.:idea: Under 200
Everyone should eat this stuff no matter if they have issues or not..

Like Vitamins.. :)

edit....only if you grew it yourself that is...I mean,,, even with 4 measly can harvest large lol
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funny I used to be the same weight as you...GB and am now also around 190lbs..and have been since I started medicating with Cannabis full time.
rarely fluctuated more than 5 to 10 lbs yearly
I should elaborate a bit on the tolerance issues I was having. When I started eating it I was measuring coco extract by the gel cap. After the crops came in last fall I spent two months getting up to 5 tablespoons/day of coco and rice sized amounts of rso. I was having some serious issues getting past there.

But when I started putting it on my skin I was able to EAT 3/grams a day a few days later.

And that is when the pain in my liver ceased.

I’m not sure why I was such a lightweight going into this but my thing was a puff or two, here and there, because of life and what not.
eating it can send people for a loop. I know people who eat 500 mgs and feel nothing. Others take .05 of a gram and feel it for two friggin days.
Ive seen 95 pound women ingest for breast cancer, a gram a day only after one week! Her husband on the other hand @ 350 pounds was floored by 25 mg's.
Strains are another one that accomplishes this idea ...One strain may work to kill your cancer tumors but will not work for someone else with the same cancer but a different strain will work for them..
This has been studied now in Canada for over 25 years but they're not allowed to tell you about anecdotal info unless its 100% proven.

MONEY IS THE KEY FUCK UP HERE ..not giving it but greedily..... WANTING IT ALL...:hump:
"This has been studied now in Canada for over 25 years but they're not allowed to tell you about anecdotal info unless its 100% proven."
Even then its still considered to be anecdotal to those who actually study these sort of things...
But is it really anecdotal??? when someone who has been told to go home and get their affairs in order....since they don't have much time left...and they take a last ditch shot at some RSO....and your still able to chat with them a few years later????
to me that's no longer "anecdotal" in my book