Rudy Raided - Ruh Roh

We will soon see if Rudy has a pocket pardon, or if Trump is holding one for him, or writes one tonight and says he did it on Jan 19th. It's the only way out, Donald had better hope he gave or can secretly give Rudy a pardon post presidency. Rudy will roll on Donald in a heartbeat, he has no choice, Rudy is the lynch pin for easily nailing Donald for a host of crimes, including the insurrection on Jan 6th. The feds will have him making PSAs on TV from his cell that say the election wasn't stolen and he and Trump lied their heads off, as part of his plea agreement.

Any deal Rudy makes will involve confessing to a lot of crimes and spilling his guts about any other crimes he has knowledge of. If Donald has pocket pardons for his family and none for Rudy, it will really piss Rudy off, so an indictment for Don jr. should loosen things up. Rudy is gonna roll and a lot of people must be sweating, including those former DOJ officials who obstructed justice in his case.

The republicans took almost 49 days of obstruction to confirm Garland, compared to 19 days for Jeff Sessions who was very controversial and they continue to slow walk critical DOJ appointments. You would think they would want Rudy and Donald out of the picture ASAP, so Americans can quickly forget about it, before they vote for another republican asshole. The longer the delays the closer to the 2022 election the trials and sentencing are and it will be in the news as a reminder. If they want control of the republican party, Donald and his family will have to be in prison, even then, Donald could run for the 2024 nomination from his prison cell and win it. Better nail him for insurrection and disqualify him with a simple majority in both houses, but after he wins the nomination and after going to prison for the insurrection. :lol:
Um.....what are "pocket pardons"?
Trump or any president can issue a pardon in secret, it does not have to be disclosed and hence is called a pocket pardon. The only way you will know if one exists, is if Rudy produces one when they indict him and hands it to a judge, case dismissed. Donald might even be holding such a document for Rudy to keep him on a leash.

Many of the crimes Rudy will be charged with though have no state equivalent, so Rudy would have no 5th amendment protections with a pardon. He could be compelled to testify or go to jail until he does, if he lies, it's perjury. It would be the only factor in Rudy not having a pardon, the risk it poses to Donald. On the other hand the only deal Rudy could make is to hand over Donald's head on a silver platter for the capital insurrection. Making a plea deal for that could involve making a televised PSA to mitigate the damage he did with his crimes and lies. Cut Donald's big lie off at the knees and send Donald up the river at the same time. This is about to get interesting, Rudy is sweating, so is Donald and so are a lot of other conspirators.

Funny timing though, cuts into Joe's state of the union address and I expect a good one. Yer gonna have one of those FDR moments, big change is coming Joe ain't fucking around, nor should he. Bold action is better than no action or being cock blocked by republican traitors, lead from the front.
As I understand it, any pardon Julie might have received would
be for Federal crimes he might have committed during his service to Individual 1 and has no effect on any State charges, which is what Julie should be worried about.
I am not totally sure, but I am guessing they are something that would lose someone their right to claim the 5th amendment.
Yes, acceptance of a pardon means acceptance of guilt and revocation of the right to self incrimination under the 5th amendment, so he must tell the truth under oath, if subpoenaed. There have been those who have refused a pardon for just that reason.
No, the "Big Lie" will live even after Individual 1 passes, at least, for a couple years. Then, with public short attention span, it will dwindle.
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I am not totally sure, but I am guessing they are something that would lose someone their right to claim the 5th amendment.
The one thing trump is good at is self preservation. I doubt anyone close to him or in his family has a pocket pardon.

He probably has a pocket full of pocket pardons for himself though, even though they are meaningless. I hope they are meaningless.
As I understand it, any pardon Julie might have received wo
be for Federal crimes he might have committed during his service to Individual 1 and has no affect on any State charges, which is what Julie should be worried about.

Yes, acceptance of a pardon means acceptance of guilt and revocation of the right to self incrimination under the 5th amendment, so he must tell the truth under oath, if subpoenaed. There have been those who have refused a pardon for just that reason.
No, the "Big Lie" will live even after Individual 1 passes, at least, for a couple years. Then, with public short attention span, it will dwindle.
Rudy can claim his 5th amendment rights with a pardon as long as he can be indicted for a state crime, theft and fraud for instance can be charged either federally or by a state. Some of the crimes concerning the Ukrainian affair and definitely the capital hill insurrection are purely federal crimes. Pardon or no pardon Rudy and Donald are fucked and a deal for Rudy would involve confession of the big lie, among many other things. Making Rudy do televised PSAs about the big lie and insurrection as part of his deal, would be appropriate, legal and mitigate his crimes. They would only release such a PSA confession after Trump and other conspirators were convicted and that won't take long. It should be running on TV before the 2022 election I figure and will be part of many ads for 2024. It would kill Donald's hopes or threats for 2024 and a conviction would make disqualifying him from office easy. Mitch will love it too, but he will gloat in secret. :lol:
The one thing trump is good at is self preservation. I doubt anyone close to him or in his family has a pocket pardon.

He probably has a pocket full of pocket pardons for himself though, even though they are meaningless. I hope they are meaningless.
They are meaningless, he might as well try to stop a bullet with a sheet of toilet paper, as try to stop an indictment with a self pardon. The judge will probably rule on it on the spot and Donald can take it up on appeal.
Rudy can claim his 5th amendment rights with a pardon as long as he can be indicted for a state crime, theft and fraud for instance can be charged either federally of by a state. Some of the crimes concerning the Ukrainian affair and definitely the capital hill insurrection are purely federal crimes. Pardon or no pardon Rudy and Donald are fucked and a deal for Rudy would involve confession of the big lie among many other things. Making Rudy do televised PSAs about the big lie and insurrection as part of his deal would be appropriate, legal and mitigate his crimes. They would only release such a PSA confession after Trump and other conspirators were convicted and that won't take long. It should be running on TV before the 2022 election I figure and will be part of many ads for 2024. It would kill Donald's hopes or threats for 2024 and a conviction would make disqualifying him from office easy. Mitch will love it too, but he will gloat in secret. :lol:
As I said, a Presidential pardon refers to Federal crimes, only. The rest is speculation and hopefulness.
As I said, a Presidential pardon refers to Federal crimes, only. The rest is speculation and hopefulness.
There are logical paths and limited options, speculations at this point are more educated guesses than rolls of the dice. Rudy has a binary choice, squeal like a pig, or go to prison for Donald, it won't matter though because they don't really need Rudy to nail Donald. I figure the big prize is Donald, the insurrection and the other conspirators and there were a few. That is the most serious crime and the biggest threat to the nation, a step toward mitigating that crime and the damage done to the country and democracy would be if Rudy fessed up on camera and did it as part of his plea deal.