Run for Your Life - The Bugs are Coming!


This is my first grow, and throughout the vegetative growth of my outdoor potted Acapulco Gold plants, I had almost no trouble with bugs; that is until my plants started flowering. It's 11 days now since my ladies began to blossom, and all hell has broken loose, the invasion of the leaf hoppers and the spider mites has began; and to make a bad situation worse, yesterday I noticed the early stage of powdery mildew on one of my plants. Thank Jah, I found a great organic product for the prevention and control of powery mildew and insects on the net. I can hardly wait to use it when it arrives sometime today. The solution comes in a spray form that should saturate the leaves of the plant when applied. I sure hope it works or I'm in big trouble. The name of the product is called HAPPY DAZE. I know this is a longshot, but if there's anyone who's knows anything about it, please let me know. Thanks.


Active Member
Haven't heard of it but there's a great organic product that kills powdery mildew guaranteed and it's available at almost ANY store! Hydrgen Peroxide 3%, when diluted at a ratio of 2Tbs per qt. of water and 2 drops of liquid dish soap is AWESOME! Plus, it's also great for roots, bringing extra oxygen to the plants {H2O2}! I use it at almost every watering and foliar feeding. My plants are luscious, strong and healthy. Plus, mold free!


New Member
"This particular product seems to contain 'Cedar oil formulation'. So this is something of a natural insecticide; the kind of which I prefer over the chemical alternatives.

You got few options when going 'all natural' when managing pests. There are plant-based oils such as neem, canola, or cottonseed oils. Then there is garlic extract, clove oil, mint oils, rosemary oil and cinnamon oil etc.

Something like Hydrogen Peroxide is to be used as a last resort, I guess. "