bluntly hell
Well-Known Member
Title says it all. I’m curious if anyone uses a different ratio than the 2:1:2 (masterblend: epson salt: calcium nitrate) when growing in coco?
Ive been running it at the recommended levels, my coco is buffered 2x times using double concentrated calcium nitrate + magnesium sulfate.
Still see what looks like a mild cal-mag deficiency.
Air Temp: 78-82°
Humidity: 55-62%
Ec: 1.4-1.6
Ph: 5.7-6
Using RO water on a chiller (67°-70°)
I mix the nutrients in the following order:
- Potassium silicate (left to circulate and dissolve for 30-60mins in the res)
-epson salt
-Calcium nitrate
-diamond nectar
Then ph adjusted with General hydroponics up/down.
Ive honestly had perfectly acceptable runs, but I can see the mild signs of cal mag deficiency.
Any advice? Do you guys run high cal nit and mg with coco? Are you using the “cali magic” or whatever supplements?
I figured the epson salt and cal nit would be enough but maybe not? I was curious if well buffered coco would still need huge doses of cal mag.
Ive been running it at the recommended levels, my coco is buffered 2x times using double concentrated calcium nitrate + magnesium sulfate.
Still see what looks like a mild cal-mag deficiency.
Air Temp: 78-82°
Humidity: 55-62%
Ec: 1.4-1.6
Ph: 5.7-6
Using RO water on a chiller (67°-70°)
I mix the nutrients in the following order:
- Potassium silicate (left to circulate and dissolve for 30-60mins in the res)
-epson salt
-Calcium nitrate
-diamond nectar
Then ph adjusted with General hydroponics up/down.
Ive honestly had perfectly acceptable runs, but I can see the mild signs of cal mag deficiency.
Any advice? Do you guys run high cal nit and mg with coco? Are you using the “cali magic” or whatever supplements?
I figured the epson salt and cal nit would be enough but maybe not? I was curious if well buffered coco would still need huge doses of cal mag.