Running out of room vertically... need advice

Katie M.

Hello all,

This is my first grow. I've got 6 plants from clones bought from a dispensary. I worry I may run out of room vertically.

-Tallest plant is currently 42" from the floor (including the bucket ). Day 32 of Veg since first planted in soil.

-Tent height is 84"

- 400W HPS 26" from the tops, but would like to switch to 1000W for flower. ( needs 4' from tops right? )

-Is my only option to cut the tops off? If I do will it affect my yield? Will I have enough room to switch to 1000W?

Here is more info :

Currently in a bedroom waiting for tent to arrive. Tent is (8'x4'x6.6' )

1X OG Kush
2X Julius Casear OG
2X Lemon Kush OG
1X Buddha Tahoe OG

I put them in soil 31 Days ago.
5 Gallon buckets

I decided not to do a Scrog or LST as I wanted to keep the first grow simple. I planned on cutting some clones today and then putting into flower in 1 week, however I am now worrying I waited too long and that I may run out of room.

I did not top them because after weeks of researching and being confused on topping I think I discovered they are "alternating nodes" they do not have symmetrical leaves on each side of the nodes. Also some of them are so stretchy and not bushy I couldnt bring myself to cut the tops where most of the growth is. I was going to take clones from bottom today.

Picture is of the Julius Caesar which is the stretchiest one.



I am assuming its too late now to bend them over and tie down like ive seen with LST? If I cut off the tops, will it mess up yield? How long would I wait after cutting tops to put in flower? What would be the ideal height of my plants going into flower using a 1000w HPS with a tent height of 80" ?

I am gratiful for this site, which I have learned most everything from, what a wonderful resource. Thanks for your time!



Go to the dollar store they have big tomato stakes that are about 3 feet tall bend the tops over and the down with a string or loose thick wire on one of the rings, tye them like this it will get more light in the middle and improve your yield!!



U have no other choice but to do some type of method to keep them lower and all the methods mostly improve yield at the end so it's worth the 5-10mins extra every 2 days or how often u water just gotta bend it more or tye more down


You need to supercrop or some sort of LST. Being that tall and far into veg I wouldn't top them.
Yup :) There's no way u can stop a plant at the height it is in veg without doing anything its against the plants basic DNA to grow towards light theres no quick fix to this problem ahha gotta take the extra time every time u visit your baby's and get as much direct light on them bud spots as possible!!!!!


Well-Known Member
avoid using 100% hps or warm white on your babes during veg the red light for the buds in er ....bud, and use a cooler mh instead, consider taking clones before leaping to bud is one way to raise the roof

Katie M.

You guys are awesome thanks so much for the guidance and quick too!

I thought it was too late to supercrop, or LST. So that's great news that I can just do it now. The main stem is very thick on a few of the plants.

Just so I'm clear, I can bend the main thick stem until it has a "snap" sound? Not too far that they separate or I have to use tape, but its its ok to actually snap the big main stems? Should I build up to it by flexing it a few days before or should I just go for it now?

Also is it ok to take my clones from them now and supercrop the same day? Or is it too much stress to do both at once?

Thanks again so so much! You guys are awesome!

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Well-Known Member
Bend a little at a time. I like to be as gentle as possible on the plant. You could take clones the same day as supercropping at that size. The best way is to tie them down so you don't have to super crop daily. Plus it's less stress.


Well-Known Member
If I'm not mistaken you said you need 4 feet from top of canopy? Are your lights air cooled? Either way with air cooled you can have the lights as close as 18". If not air cooled maybe about 24 to 30 inches. All depends on temps at top of canopy.

Katie M.

Hotshot, caught something.. Ive been having the lights way too far away. I got burns on them when the light was about 20" and also thought I had read 400w MH averaged about 24" from tops and to go 1000w it would need double the distance or 4' above the tops. I just saw that light chart.

Maybe burned cause they were little babies freshly transplanted. So Ive already started lowering the lights. And only need to allocate 10-36" with 1000w according to chart. So that helps. Maybe thats why they are so stretchy and not bushy. I do have a fan blowing the heat up away from plants as well as an outtake right next to the light, and an AC. I've had no probs with getting it the temp it needs to be. Thinking I would get a glass enclosed hood for the 1000w I havent bought yet.

I was also curious about sunshine's response... Is there any reason why I cant chop the tops off the tall ones and make them clones ? Will they bush out if I do this as well as super cropping them and LST them? Or will topping them just give me lower yield as there are lot less nodes, given they are already so stretchy, tall, and lanky? Maybe top them and SC them and then Veg another week or 2?

If my tent is 80" tall, and I use a 1000w HPS, what is the maximum height I can let them go to before switching to 12/12? Is that irrelevant after I SC them and they start to grow horizontal?

Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
As far as lighting you want to get that light as close as possible without heat stressing your girls. Rule of thumb is place the back of your hand under the light. If its too hot for your hand then it's too hot for your plants. If not then you're fine. I have an air cooled 1000 watter. Right now I have my light at 18" from canopy. May try to get it 3 or 4 inches closer if I can. The closer the better.


Well-Known Member
Your yields will be reduced if you top where the main colas are produced. Unless you plan to veg for much longer, I wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
If it were mine I'd cut the plants back by 2/3 and use the cuttings for clones. I would lst all new growth and lower my lights. I'd veg for a month after that then flip em. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
I had a similar issue and just put the plant on it's side, then build a screen over it and boom sog.. Cut a hole in the side of the bucket and I water it from there now.

I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, I'm what they refer to as an advanced retard.

Katie M.

Wow you guys are great. So many options to choose from, and I thought I was stuck. I was tempted to put the buckets on their side and cut the hole to water them that is a clever idea. I'm gonna give bending them a go.

I started moving the lights closer and figure I'll move them a bit closer each day. I also switched back to the MH bulb.

I'll report back with how it turned out.

Thanks again everyone for your help!

... Can't find a like button anywhere, I feel so lame!


Well-Known Member
As long as you are still in veg than you can top them with out any harmful affects. I suggest using a trellis set at the canopy level, and gently coax the tops under the trellis. I would avoid any high stress training if this is your first grow.