Runt Plant: Is it healthy? What is wrong? PLEASE HELP

Hey all,

This is my first grow. I got autoflower lowryder 2. Plant is on 20/4 lights, with a 100w cfl, good nutirents (orchid grow), and in what i assume is a big enough container. This plant is about 21 days old from germination.

I've read in here I should put onto my bloom nutrient by now? but its like 2 inches tall? what should I do. Do i start flowering it now? Wait? Is it unhealhty in someway? Is this normal? I'm really clueless on this guys. Please autoflower experts tell me whats up!View attachment 2100736View attachment 2100737View attachment 2100738


Well-Known Member
Put the clear cup in a colored one dont try to transplant it. How often have you been watering it? Seedlings and small plants dont like heavy waterings.
Sweet advice!

I think i definetly water too every 2 days...sometimes more..but the soil looks dry. and one time i waited too long and it started dying. So should I just stprinkle the top soil with water? like how should i know when its had enough water? cuz sometimes the soil dries out fast.

Also for the cup. Can I just put like tape around it thats not clear?

and finally, its not ready to tranplant yet then is it? will i have ruined its yeild by now?

Buddy Hemphill

Active Member
A keeper I have startd life as a runt.

I will never toss a runt again until I have done everything i can to get it healthy and fail.
now that i see your pics id say hold off on the water for a bit, looking i can see the soil is wet enough i go by using a finger and put it 2 inches in the soil if it feels dry give it some water careful kf disturbing the root do it on the outside of the cup away from the plant. i agree hide the light from the roots they are in the ground where its dark naturally anyways that part doesnt need light your leaves do , id use a solo red party cup like you would use to play beer pong just like pixidustr suggested to do. if you look at your soil and its dry on the top doesnt mean its completely dry underneath a couple inches down. i think its alright to moisten the top layer if your worried. and like wht lovemug wrote about the watering. you have a better chance of saving a near dried out plant than a overwatered plant! yes stress can cause loss of yield but i dont think youll have to worry about that just yet. i havnt grown auto's so im not sure about the bloom nutes but in my opinion id hold off, i would also wait for that to dry out some and transplant it before the roots runout of room, as far as i know itll live but will also take a few days to get used to being transplanted so might as well sooner than later again in my own opinion.
THNKS diamond jack,
that helps alot! I just want to get some smoke at my girl. Hope she's gonna make it. but shes so short. Your advice helped alot man. Really appreciate it. I guess I'll try to transplant this week. Fingers Crossed!
THNKS diamond jack,
that helps alot! I just want to get some smoke at my girl. Hope she's gonna make it. but shes so short. Your advice helped alot man. Really appreciate it. I guess I'll try to transplant this week. Fingers Crossed!
anytime man im no expert i have messed up allot but slowly learned from it and still learning man, i thought it would be a breeze to simply plant and let them "take off" you know how foolish of me lol, but its fun once you get more confident i started with some random bag seed and then went to bought seeds, either way works the frst time i ever tried i used online seeds ended up wasting my money, before i knew it i was lost and playing in the dirt hahah. its all good though! keep it up and posting ill lend out a few more ideas or help if i can! ae86 grower is right. takes a little bit of time but its all worth it in the end


Well-Known Member
Seedling can go a long time without water i usially give mine a good wattering when i plant them and wait a week or two. They will let you know when they need watering. I start my seedlings in 4"x4" containers and give them roughly 400ml of water a week. I will not beging to start a watering cycle until they have reached vegitative growth (fifth set of leaves bairly visible). The problem with overwatering newly transplanted or seedlings is you will over saturate the bottom of your container and the roots will have a very hard time filling the whole thing, in return that causes the plants to not have enough root mass to make enough growth to transpire the water out compounding the problem and making you have stunted growth.


Active Member
Autos are not a big fan of transplanting. So I would do it sooner rather than later and put her in a container that is at least 1 gal. preferably 1.5 gal.. Transplanting and topping are not condusive to Autos' because of the time it takes to recover. This will affect your yield dramatically. Autos are "traditionally" very light eaters so it is easy to over nute them. Just try to remember that "less is more'. Dam I hate that cliche but it is so true.