Russian lawmakers pass anti-gay bill in 436-0 vote

Yeah, I've been quite a few times. St Petersberg has many gays but, more underground now, I bet.
Yet, They grabbed some interesting personal freedoms after the old soviet fell.

Open container in public, drunkish in public, 14 and drunk... That kid started shouting at me when I kicked the soda can he'd tossed into the center of my step.

Hey!! Its Russia! In the Summer there is the midnight Sun, people don't sleep officially for days and things go wild of a sexual nature. Pete'burg is like Prague. All the gorgeous milk maid from the farmlands come in to get some.

Funny that Iran has no gays at all. It is death to think so. Yet, as kids and teens, they don't hang out with girls.

They just learn how to leave their little brother's behind. Butt that's not gay. It's death to say so. It's in the Koran.

Russia and the Koran now?.... Let me guess Sharia Law?

Please stop with all the dyslexic crap, no once gives a shit and it's been pointed out MANY times, that your credibility is shot to pieces because of the fettered garbage you spout...

Please learn to put together a sentence, as the rest of us are ripped too, but we can manage...

pro tip - Iran has plenty of gays, the government even subsidises sex changes...
American's are so spoiled. Our sexual minorities are worried about marriage, in the rest of the world existence is the primary concern.

Certainly the Russian government is wrong to stick their nose into a persons sexuality. Hey....wait a minute....why does the American government insist people get "permission" to be married? Sounds like too much government in both cases.
Certainly the Russian government is wrong to stick their nose into a persons sexuality. Hey....wait a minute....why does the American government insist people get "permission" to be married? Sounds like too much government in both cases.

What does marriage have to do with sex? Oh right, how would you know, Teen Warlord? :) And so, so lost if you think marriage is a permission for sex. It is a money license. A govt protected partnership with Rights and Duties.

Oh, and this does not mean there are no Gay politicians in Russia, just no bold ones.
Its good to see theres a man like putin doin the right thing and fighting for whats right instead of just being a coward and saying what they think sounds politically correct. My props the russian government. Hopefully the usa and the rest of the world.soon follow.
Its good to see theres a man like putin doin the right thing and fighting for whats right instead of just being a coward and saying what they think sounds politically correct. My props the russian government. Hopefully the usa and the rest of the world.soon follow.

So this means there were no gay politicians that were just hiding their stripe?

See, what you said is real backwards.
No I think werent any gay politicians. From what I understand russians are taught at a very young age how wrong it is to be gay. Which is why the law has went over very well there. Its just the us thats having such an uproar not the large majority of the russians.
What does marriage have to do with sex? Oh right, how would you know, Teen Warlord? :) And so, so lost if you think marriage is a permission for sex. It is a money license. A govt protected partnership with Rights and Duties.

Oh, and this does not mean there are no Gay politicians in Russia, just no bold ones.

My point was that governments try to tell people, in this case, gay people, what to do. I was comparing the totalitarian governments and indicating they are similar in that respect.

You on the other hand, were holding your dick, saying there is no sex in your marriage and subtly indicating you know of gay Russian politicians. Sounds like you are in a dilemma.
My point was that governments try to tell people, in this case, gay people, what to do. I was comparing the totalitarian governments and indicating they are similar in that respect.

You on the other hand, were holding your dick, saying there is no sex in your marriage and subtly indicating you know of gay Russian politicians. Sounds like you are in a dilemma.

Dick was blown off in Angola, and I didn't say there no sex in your marriage. Is there? So, no dilemma. Peace for me, in the middle of Now. Turns out there was one abstain, btw.

Maybe he is gay?
Have two neighbors that are FROM Russia with love, lol twin brothers from Moscow, they said they whole damn country is run by the Russian mob! All this shit we see on t.v is shit just plain what they want you to see shit. Just there opinion I suppose. They wont comment on the laws being passed.
Does anyone here really give a shit what the laws in Russia are concerning gays?

There isn't anything the USA can do about this. Russia pretty much controls Europe in the winter.
They want to study homosexuals????

and they want to stop people from talking unnecessary shit which only makes a person stupider by being proud of them selves afterwards?

I honestly don't mind the law about keeping quite about religion if you have nothing nice to say, because you can still always talk about it in private, I assume.
But? What about religious people talking shit? I mean... Not everyone necessarily believes in god, or the bible, or both etc etc, so isn't that sort of like a double standard? They want to stop people talking badly about religion, but, those who think religion is utter nonsense have to just tolerate it? *rolls eyes*
Have two neighbors that are FROM Russia with love, lol twin brothers from Moscow, they said they whole damn country is run by the Russian mob! All this shit we see on t.v is shit just plain what they want you to see shit. Just there opinion I suppose. They wont comment on the laws being passed.

Same as here today. The Chicago mob, vs Putin's. Of course, what is the Mob, but Warlord?
Does anyone here really give a shit what the laws in Russia are concerning gays?

There isn't anything the USA can do about this. Russia pretty much controls Europe in the winter.

I don't and they have gay bad ass fighters like every army in history. The war is a natural place for men. And sexuality is not the problem with winning.