Rust fungus is becoming an issue.


Well-Known Member
Ah good ole' New England weather, cold, cloudy and damp as hell.

The fungi are now getting 1692369062137.png

I'm actually doing well with powdery mildew, but I have some rust on the Cannabis and Tomatoes that is starting to take off.
I'm thinking of trying copper treatment. I have a ten pound jug of copper sulfate handy I use in the pool for algea.
What PPM/EC would people recommend as a foliar treatment. Also, up for suggestions on other rust treatments.
And much more rain today. The other day we had such heavy downpours there was a stream in my yard. The weather here has been tough this year I agree totally. Im not sure if it helps you but this year I added lots of azomite and dolomite lime in the soil and topped dressed twice. Plus I add epsom salt and foliar feed them epsom salt mixed with cal mag once a week, they seem to take any nutrients I can give them without an issue. I havent gotten a spot of PM yet. I did also grow them on a table in 5 gallon pots this year so the air flow is a little better. Theres probably over 400 flowers on there and another 50 tomatoes already going.
Im too stoned for this, you were asking about the rust my bad :bigjoint:My tomatoes actually didnt get any rust really except for a couple leaves. It may be from the sulfur in the epsom salt cause sulfur is good for rust as well and plants like it.
Are they completely snapped or do you think they will come back up?
They snapped almost completely off, I'm not gonna try to repair them.

So any recommendations on PPM for foliar copper applications.
I know for pool treatment it's 3PPM and maintenance is 1PPM.
I was thinking 15PPM should be a good start for plant treatment.
I use capt jacks only if its bad. I start with .5 oz per gallon and if I see no improvement I bump it to 1 ounce per gallon. I also feed the plant silica, epsom salts, superthrive, amino acids, and top dress with dolomite lime, just a good boost for the plants immune system. If its not bad I do the feeding, remove the affected leaves, and foliar with epsom at 2 tbsp per gallon. I would try personally first and see if that helps. I only pull out the copper when its bad personally.
If I use copper I also wash the plants if it doesn't rain a few days later. Luckily I havent had to use copper for a while.
So, I tested a very strong 300PPM copper solution on my zucchinis and it worked wonders. It cleared up the mildew on completely infested leaves that looked like powdered donuts. The leaves will recover but do have a fair amount of damage. The encouraging thing I noticed is that strong solution didn't cause any stress to the tender new growth.

I felt confident a 200PPM treatment would be safe for the cannabis, so I mixed up big batch in a garbage barrel and showered those dirty bitches yesterday morning using a sump pump.

I used Hydrobuddy to calculate 400mg/liter of Copper Sulfate yields a 100PPM active copper solution.

A 5 lb bag of Copper sulfate costs $25 and has 550grams of copper.
Premixed sprays contain about 170mg of copper and cost $7. To get 550 grams of copper in bottles that would be about $22,000.
Ya think Captain Jack is making a few bucks from his consumers?