rust spots & yellowing help......


got some pics here for you pros to diagnose my probs here.....?

most will say PH 1st so to let you know(& via the pic) its not that

soil was wests+ & now repotted to B&Q MP & its still same in both really.
lights far away enuff to not burn
no spraying been on them for a while now - but more rusty leaves came through still
was same with just water & now feed
temp - 70-80 ish
humidity - 50-65%
1month & 2days old now

is it a case of using cal/mag or epsom salts? it seems to be the 2 things popping up as results to what my probs potentially are....
check the pics & let me know your views



every few days with tomorite(spose to be good sub)

but this was also doing this before the feeding when it was just water.
the other plant is ALOT cleaner but is proper short. - both planted at same time & this one came through soil a day earlier - but its now double the size plus other parts growing from the nodes, small one isnt
both same strain (arjans haze 2)

im miffed


Well-Known Member
feed it some cal mag bro, its a defficiency give it what it needs.. also it could be rootbound too not sure what size your pots are, but looks like the leaves are clawing pretty bad.. i mean if your ph is in check its gotta be 1 or the other.. or maybe overwatering? by the pics and the info given, its pretty difficult to pinpoint exactly whats up, but i would start with a cal mag supplement first if i were u . your judgement is best at this point
nice one ;)
pots are deffo big enuff - so not that
& it was doing it before & after flush so i dont think its a water thing either

do they make cal/mag testers?