Sacramento County Dispensary Ban News Release


Active Member
County Executive
Bradley J. Hudson
County of Sacramento
Board of Supervisors
Phil Serna, District 1
Jimmie Yee, District 2
Susan Peters, District 3
Roberta MacGlashan, District 4
Don Nottoli, District 5
700 H Street, Suite 7650 • Sacramento, California 95814 • phone (916) 874-2691 • fax (916) 874-5885 •
For Immediate Release
News Release Contact: Chris Andis October 20, 2011 [email protected] 916-874- 2691
County to Abandon Pursuit of Regulation Ordinance for Dispensaries
Sacramento, CA –Sacramento County’s enforcement strategy on medical marijuana dispensaries is proving successful. Because illegal dispensaries were proliferating in the unincorporated County, a two-pronged approach has been used to enforce the zoning laws; 1) filing for injunctive relief through the courts against dispensaries and property owners and 2) increasing administrative penalties to the owners of property where dispensary establishments are located. The result: 99 Code Enforcement cases were opened, 63 dispensaries have closed and 36 dispensaries remain open.
“Since dispensaries were never legal in the unincorporated County, enforcing the law and closing these operations down was the right course for Sacramento County to take,” said Brad Hudson, County Executive. “After completing a series of public meetings in pursuit of a regulatory ordinance, I will be recommending to the Board of Supervisors that we discontinue pursuing any kind of regulatory permitting plan, and maintain the status quo of keeping them illegal.”
In addition to the success of the enforcement activities, two other factors influenced Hudson’s decision: recent court decisions and increased enforcement activity by the federal government. “Given the recent changes in the marijuana climate, I am recommending that we change our zoning laws to reflect that we cannot allow any activity that is against state or federal law,” Hudson added. ‘con’t
Marijuana Enforcement Update – con’t
The Planning division will bring new zoning language to the Planning Commission sometime in
November for approval and then to the Board of Supervisors by the end of the year for final
review and approval.
The County’s Enforcement Strategy:
1. The County is using a coordinated departmental enforcement approach that includes
the Sheriff’s Department, Business License, Building Inspection, Code Enforcement and
County Counsel.
2. The action on property owners includes the use of progressive administrative penalties:
• Up to $500 per day for zoning code violations
• Up to $1000 a day for Building code violations
• The penalties total $1500 a day or $10,500 a week
• Liens against the property for unpaid penalties will be used
• Injunctions against facilities and property owners to shut down facilities.
3. The property owners are responsible for administrative fees, even if the business has
closed and is no longer in operation.
Administrative Penalty Process:
• Once Code Enforcement/Building Inspection becomes aware of a potential
business, a Notice of Alleged Violation to the property owner and a courtesy copy
to the business are issued.
• Code Enforcement inspects the business or goes to court to obtain an inspection
warrant. If violations exist, a Notice of Violation to the property owner is issued
for the offense, including zoning, building and/or business license.
• The property owner has 15 days to comply or file an appeal and the hearing
process commences.
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The 'penalties' are the county's tax on the sale of cannabis. All about money while acting as if the public is being saved from drug addiction.