sad old man


Active Member
hi rollitup

im a 53 year old man living in atlanta ga it hard living in a state where it not legal up utill i found about this site i was buying off the street and the effect and quatlity wasnt good so i start to grow and loveing it im really thinking about moveing to cailfornia to get a card but dont know if i wold be eligeble any body who have a card and did it
tell me how i could do it or email me

[email protected]

love all



Active Member

I prefer Colorado (colorado's laws are written into the constitution which is why the dea doesn't raid our dispensaries). It's easy to get a license, all you need is two doctor visits in the past three years for a chronic illness and the doctor needs to write the word "pain" in your medical records two-three times. Besides, it's cheaper to live here..


Well-Known Member
i live in CA and grow legally. you should move out here and grow outdoor. you will love the sun. you can get it for almost any reason. there are many special doctors offices that specialize in writing up you a license to smoke green. think about it this way, they want you to spend the money to get your license so they hand them out like food stamps. it cost about 150-200 bucks for first time but then every year after that its about 100 bucks to renew it.


Well-Known Member

I prefer Colorado (colorado's laws are written into the constitution which is why the dea doesn't raid our dispensaries). It's easy to get a license, all you need is two doctor visits in the past three years for a chronic illness and the doctor needs to write the word "pain" in your medical records two-three times. Besides, it's cheaper to live here..
I would never move my ass to colorado if it was a choice between that and cali. Who cares if its less strict. You want a state that has many things to offer. CO doesnt have anything but big snow top mountains lol. Ima move to cali from ny when I get older and have a big grow op :mrgreen:


Active Member
now all i got to do is sell my house and find an im going to cail or maybe i will start a underground shop for people iin the ga who need a the med yeah i might just do it anybody know the law in ga for running a marijuanna shop how much time ima old man if they send me a way for selling marjianna to sick people if will show how dump the law is


Active Member
I guess cali has a beach. I dunno, I've been to Cali and I prefer Coloradoans. Good people, good medicine, no way to beat it.

Good luck either way.


Active Member
yea im check out some houses in both state b4 i decide but i really think about opening a underground shop her in atlanta to spread the love


Well-Known Member
goggle search georgia laws regarding growing marijuana for the amount of jail time they would give you. best of luck to you.


Active Member
the laws are crazy here drowin 10lbs or less 1-10 year

oz or more 1-5 year 30000 fine

wat wrong with the world

that ,make me want to do it to show the world how crazy it is i never been to jail and use to be against marijuanna because of the bad press the governmnet give it

till i realiaze that it really do help with my pain