Sad/sick looking seedling

Hey guys , I have an og Kush auto seedling right here , she’s so cute. But since day one she looks so sad , she’s about to hit 2 weeks , she’s on day 13. I’ve been keeping my temps and everything as normal , and I also have my white widow photo in my tent , and I grew the og slightly more different but my ph was never off always keep it between 5.9 to 6.1 but there was this one day tho where I have my nutrient gallon closed and I forgot to check ph every time I checked it though it’ll be around 6.0 or around my range so I didn’t think to check it. Maybe that would be the problem but since a seed I had 4 of these og Kush autos and they all were stunned I guess because I found that a big box was on the ground on top of my baggie lol and usually I keep that box high and I left my baggie right near my stash and somehowwwwww the box and the baggie had some type of fornication and to find out 3 of my seeds were m destroyed minus my baby seedling , just wondering thou she looks healthy to me , except for the obvious parts

