Safe combo?


Well-Known Member
EDIT: Sorry for the high right now need to vent....I aint crazy or anything

Hey Guys...
Ive posted this post on another web forum and that web forum sucks and cant post the thread was closed. Hopefully moderators here will
let it slide...:hug: Cuz I would like to see if anyone here has come across a similar situation,,,

So the past 2 weeks have been a bitch. Anything that can go wrong, has gone wrong. My stress level has been thru the roof:-?....and plus been diagnosed with Anxiety and Manic Depression:cry:. I smoke pot like crazy, and hopefully my state wll decriminalize soon.

But anyways, I took 2mg of Klonopin @ 11AM when I woke up this morning, along with 40mgs of Methadone, and a bowl of some NYC Sour D like I do every morning.
Later on in the day around 4PM i took .5mg of Klonopin (i took half a pill)
Also all day i been smoking an occasional bowl...prolly about a gram so far of NYCSD
Just then, about 8:30 I took a 2mg Zannie Bar. Im not FUCKED UP...I'm just nice, relaxed, sedated and euphoric.

Well a buddy of mine gave me 20 350mg Somas. Ive taken a half a pill twice right before bed and went right to sleep cuz i was tired,it wasn't the pill...

:leaf:Question 1: If i took a 350mgs of Soma right now, will I be OK or will that over do it?

:leaf:Question 2:
If i just took 40mgs of methadone in the morning and 350mg of Soma lke a hour or 2 later, will that be OK? I heard it potenates the methadone. Also if i decided to take a bar or 1mg Klonopin during the day, wil it be OK?

Ive never done Somas its all new to me..but i heard alot about them. I got a high opiate tolerance. 90mg methadone gives a nice buzz and i use to have a huge heroin habit. I have a decent benzo tolerance too...and ive done ever drug from asprin to PCP... (just a background)

can some plz get back to me soon, i wanna take a Soma now if its cool...i jus wana relax...
.its been a really... really rough day:cry:

Well, first off let me say that I am NOT a doctor. Second, I have years of experience with Methadone myself. Mixing the meds that you are wanting to mix is NOT safe. I mean, I know people do it all the time, but come on!! Just the Klonipin and Methadone together is bad enough. Mixing benzos (Klonipin, xanax, ativan, valium, etc) with Methadone is the fastest way to an OD. Also, as for the Soma's. Those are muscle relaxers. Not as dangerous to mix, but still be cautious. I've never heard of a bad reaction from smokin' weed and taking Methadone. It's the other stuff that can cause problems you do not want. I don't know if this helped, I hope it did. Just be safe!!
thanks alot buddy...that did help...
I ended up taking half a soma last night with all those combos. I fell right asllep and wpke up kinda sedated this morning. i dunno if id do that again...but then again when i gte stressd n shit like that, its alother story...

thanx for the heads upp...

biut methadone n soma not bad?
Keep doing what you're doing and your anxiety will only go up. You're playing with fire man - mixing pills can easily cause you to OD in your sleep. You see your avatar? That guy died from doing exactly what you're doing. It's your life, but if you mix pills like that (without a doctor's approval), bad things will happen.
Keep doing what you're doing and your anxiety will only go up. You're playing with fire man - mixing pills can easily cause you to OD in your sleep. You see your avatar? That guy died from doing exactly what you're doing. It's your life, but if you mix pills like that (without a doctor's approval), bad things will happen.

thats funny u said that...cuz i thought the saaaame shit today.
Yea im layin back n stick to pot n methadone. And ill take a low dose of zanex here n there.

but i nver have taken more than 2mg zanex with 50 mg of methadone....
I got 30 750 Vicodin and 14g of (See below), I have literally been retarded all week


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[Lucas];2450512 said:
I got 30 750 Vicodin and 14g of (See below), I have literally been retarded all week

Keep in mind those 7.5 mg Vicodins have 750 mg of acetaminophen in them as well, which can do nasty things to your liver. The 7.5 of hydrocodone isn't that bad, the other stuff is. Don't take too much over an extended period.

Plus that shit constipates you...
yes, legit reasons. Ive been prescribed it since October or November of 08. I wish i was prescribed Xanax also, i need to speak to my personal doc about that. that drug does WONDERS for me. If i took 3 mgs/day i'd be set. Not to use it to get high or anything, just use it to make me 'normal' per say. The Methadone I'm on now doesn't make me high. But once or twice per script i take a few more than I'm suppose to to catch a lil buzz :-o

But a friend gave me 20 Somas. I've heard Soma makes the Methadone and Xanax more potent. So that's why i asked if it was OK to take them together. I don't wanna takem everyday, jus every so often to catch a buzz..

But when i run outta Xanax...which will happen in 2 days, will it be OK to mix the Soma and Methadone? I never fucked wih Soma before, I took it less than 3 times at a half of a 350mg pill at 1 hr before before bed....

Thanx to anyone who can help....:rolleyes:
[Lucas];2450512 said:
I got 30 750 Vicodin and 14g of (See below), I have literally been retarded all week

Im not knockin ya bro....dont take this the wrong way... but wha does 750mg of Vics and Bud have anything to do wit Soma, Methadone, xanax and Kpins:confused:

But.. I bet u been bent all week also.... Good ass bud and some Vics. Personally i like percs better myself, Vics dont really gimme a nice buzz like Percs do....i need alot of Vics to get the good buzz. And as it was said b4, the tylnol will merk ur liver...