Safe to smoke?


Well-Known Member
General Info: Approx. 50+ days ago I found out I had a caterpillar infestation. I called the local hydro store and they said they were out of spinosad and b.t. products and it would be at least a week before they got anymore in, so I sprayed "Sevin" on them because they were doing some damage QUICK.

Majority of my plants only had pistils at that time, a few had buds developing. Before harvesting, I drenched with a H202 mixture, should this neutralize/wash away any pesticide if present? (We've also had several heavy rains since spraying Sevin)

I had to harvest a couple faster strains approx. 30 days after spraying. I am unsure about these especially, as when I was trimming I found a couple of sugar leaves here and there with that white residue still on them. Should I trash these? Or maybe just the trim? (Didn't see any on or in flowers, but hard closely inspecting that much) I have found no residue on newly harvested plants so far.
Overall, I regret spraying Sevin now and wish I would of just made a trip to a dif. city to get a spinosad/b.t. product, but oh well, what is done is done.

Some of what i've been reading: it seems the general conclusion is it breaks down in 10-14 days when applied as directed depending on environmental factors.
It is labeled as "Moderately to very toxic" One thing I read was:

"Fate in Humans and Animals
Carbaryl is readily broken down by amimals, including humans, through urine and feces. Workers exposed by inhalation to carbaryl sust excreted 74 percent of the inhaled dose via urine. This remains consistant with othe species which excreted nearly three fourths of a dose in their urine within 24 hours. The metabolism of up to 85 percent carbaryl occurs within 24 hours after administration.(3)"

"An important aspect of Carbaryl is how quickly it breaks down and is rendered harmless. Its insecticidal properties are lost after 3-10 days. Most animals, including humans readily break down carbaryl and rapidly excrete 75% of it in 24 hours. Data suggest there is low to very low toxicity in birds."

It seems it can potentially have some very nasty side effects, but overall looks like it breaks down pretty quickly.
Any thoughts/help are greatly appreciated!