Safety First! Growing/Moving Marijuana Safely!


Well-Known Member
Lets face it none of us want to get caught. In fact, that should be the most important thing on our mind, sadly, but it is true. I believe that there are a lot of unique safety tips that can be used by anyone on RIU, so please tell us what you do to stay out of the pen!

Things that I would personally like to hear about:

-Websites with items for sale that promote safety
-Techniques of packaging marijuana for transportation
-Techniques for means of transportation of marijuana
-How to grow undetected
-Warning signs that your grow operation has been detected

And also anything else that would be helpful in avoiding the police!

Thanks! Play it Safe! :)


Well-Known Member
As far as transporting goes these are a couple tips I know of from personal experience.

If you are moving in a car, always put your product in the trunk. I know this seems obvious, but I can't tell you how many times I would see a guy buy an oz or even a half pound and just put it in his car. This is very STUPID! Put your stuff in the trunk. Not only put it in your trunk but also put your product in an airtight bag and then put that bag into a backpack or something, maybe even a briefcase and then have that just ist in the trunk.

Another tip is if you live in the city just pay the extra cash to transport via taxi. I would always have my stash be put into a guitar case and then I would just pick up a taxi and go to my home with my product, or wherever I needed to go. :)

Peace! Stay Safe! :)


Well-Known Member
I put major work under the spare tire in my trunk:D
shit going up to VA this weekend and getting some flame to bring back:D


Well-Known Member
oh its just the basic standard spare tire that come when you but the car..
you knowhow you can lift up the trunk and take off the cardboard or w/e and get the spare tire out?
thats what im talking about.


Well-Known Member
Im writimg from my mobile phone, so i wont write anything long (saf. Tips).
Just wanted to say - great threat. I hope to c it full of tips.


Well-Known Member
If more would participate even if it is something minor it could make all the difference for some of us out here. Let's make everyone safe so no one gets caught people.


Well-Known Member
Number one rule to playing it safe....Don't tell anyone your growing....but I think we all know that one don't we? :)


Well-Known Member
Number two your power consumtion is going to go up so try to be more energy efficient with regards to the rest of the house what ever you can save will offset extra usage...this won't work if you have a greenhouse in your basement but could on smaller grows with people who are wanting to be very low key...


Well-Known Member
Not a problem note my signature...:) rule number three don't get all buzzed up and break rule number one lol :)


Well-Known Member
Here are two recommendations.

First, buy (much if it can be found on the website and YouTube) and watch the videos by former narcotics officer Barry Cooper. The first is called 'Never Get Busted' and the second is 'Never Get Raided'. You can find out more at his website NeverGetBusted. He also does Q&A at his forum and you can read it all for free here.

The second is to watch the free YouTube video called BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters made and distributed by the ACLU. It's a bit cheesy, but it is chock full of insanely important information for anyone who might be confronted by the police.


Well-Known Member
gonna leave on this note be careful of anything you order off the internet try to source anything you need local... lots of light purchases tagged grow light, hydro system... can usually find a shop near you and its worth the drive if your paranoid like me...:) never know who will get a hold of the sales records kindda like if the seed company you use gets popped and you sent it to where you grow or used your real personal info ordering you could get popped that kind of S**t


Well-Known Member
I just heard that if you are transporting marijuana and you want to prevent yourself from getting pulled over and busted because of a drug sniffing dog. Well then some tips that you can utilize are to spray your tires with fox or coyote urine and have a cat in the car, this is because the micro fibers that they let off will drive the drug sniffing dog to just be thinking where's the cat or what is that smell and lead them away from detecting the marijuana.