Lucky Luke
Well-Known Member
THC limit here is 50 ng/ml. What is considered a high reading and whats the highest you have heard about?
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We only get a warning and told not to drive if we have THC in our system on the public road in my state. No fine etc. Saliva tests have proven to not really work to well and dont show level of impairment.are we talking driving and smoking ? or for a job what . in Michigan its allowed to drive and smoke but you have to pass a field test lol . and it has to be stored in a locked box . but if your smoking it and driving but not all fucked up its ok . how fucked is that ?
That was explained really well..Thank you.Ok now you're making more sense lol... So basically it can be looked at like this with some level of accuracy... Every day you smoke you add 30ng to your total and every day you don't you only take away ten... Smoke for only nine days and don't for two or smoke twice a week for five six months and either way you are at 250 ... And that is with an average metabolism, won't leave too much faster if you have a fast metabolic rate but it sure can leave slower if you don't..