Salt Build Up or Root Bound?


Active Member
I have an ebb&flow system and I have been growing a crop for one month. Everything has been fine, plants grow fast and are very healthy, then over a 1.5 day period, most of the leaves are droopy, and resting on the branches below them. The plant is nice and green and the tops of the buds are nice and white.

Now there is an issue that may be related. Can plants become root bound in a hydroponic system that submerges the net pot in solution every 3 hours?

I have the plants in 5" net pots and the roots wont grow out of them, I'm assuming because they would then be exposed to the lights. The plants are one month old from rooted clone.

For the plants to droop this quickly, what could be the problems? If the plant grew healthy and fast, I have to assume the ph and ppms were in a great range, and even if they were off, the plant shouldn't droop. I'm thinking a moisture issue. Either too much water, not possible since plants are one month old and in the same pots as when one day old, too little water, once again, same setup that allowed plant to grow as fast as it did, and I obviously fed the plants to see if that was it, root bound since roots won't extend outside the pots maybe they are root bound (even though they're fed every 3 hours), or salt build up, does salt stick to the roots, if so how do you flush an ebb&flow system, plain phed water?