Salvia Divinorum Seeds


Well-Known Member
you are the first person to ask this that i have seen and it is a good question because i have no clue. hell i dont even know what the plant looks like


Well-Known Member
You could probably get it on ebay. I'd try to find seedlings though... Because they plant has been cultivated vegitatively for so long, the seeds are very week and with low germination rates... but if the plant falls over, lots of new little plants shoot up from it...

Its quite a big plant, can grow over 3 meters, and the leaves are about the size of your hand.


Well-Known Member
You can buy the plant itself from sears, its in the gardening section (growing).

But heres the thing. If you though growing pot was hard (lol), this is gonna be quite a trip for you. Its alot harder to grow and its not as "strong willed" as MJ. Not to menchion, the end product that you smoke is the leaves. Your going to have to extract the silvornium a (sp?) from alot of leaves - and then concentrate the ammount on fewer leaves..... Imho its not worth it, stick with purple sticky (google them) as they got what fucks you up :-D
hope this helps..


Well-Known Member
Yep, its not for everyone... personaly I would chew 50 to 100 leaves... (tastes like shit, but can be an aquired taste...heck there ARE people who eat shit). This is probably equivalent to chewing a whole lettuce..

Its not that hard to grow, it wants shade and moisture...


Well-Known Member
There are such things as Salvia Divinorum seeds. I do lots of reading on this plant.

DO NOT buy any so called Salvia Divinorum seeds from e-bay. It is 99.99% of the time a scam.

Making your plant try to seed is extremely hard. It is even harder to find them to buy. And even harder to sprout.

Its not worth buying seeds since you won't have a very successful rate especially if its your first time. You would be better off buying a rooted cutting online and then making cuttings from that once it is big enough.
Sites I recommend to buy plants from:

DO NOT buy from the following


Well-Known Member
The plant does seed, its just extremely rare. Salvia Div is beleived to be a hybrid not occuring naturally. Your not going to find seeds for it, dont bother looking.


Well-Known Member
Don't buy seeds from eBay. They'll probably be just seeds. I don't even know if you can reliably grow salvia from seeds, get a cutting or a little plant.


Well-Known Member
Salvia divinirum will produce seed. No telling what the alkaloid content of a plant grown from seed will be though. Better off buying a clone, there are a few good ones out there. I'm pretty sure the Salvia offerd by Sears is S. officialanis(SP?).:peace:


Well-Known Member
Salvia divinirum will produce seed. No telling what the alkaloid content of a plant grown from seed will be though. Better off buying a clone, there are a few good ones out there. I'm pretty sure the Salvia offerd by Sears is S. officialanis(SP?).:peace:
Most plants found in gardening sections that say salvia are NOT Salvia Divinorum. The ones in stores are usually of these:
It used to be easy to find them in stores because it wasn't as well known as it is today.
I've been selling Salvia plants online at amazon for over a year now. Just this past week they decided they would not allow salvia plants being sold. :( So, I have plenty plants for sale. As far as seeds go... they will produce seeds but the germination rate is very low. Cloning is very easy so cuttings is your best bet. Message me.