i mixed some sand i got at a local garden-center i mixed a big hand full in a 70 Litre bag of promix,, is there such a thing as too much sand>???? can this be harmfull, except for having to water more often???
what kind of sand is it?.. make sure u dont use beach sand beacuse it contains salt. and i dont know how much sand. i just started and is only using potting soil (i know it isnt the best way but its all i got at the monent)
Well if he got it from the garden centre I doubt that it's beach sand.
You can put 20% in with no problems, it's good for drainage, but I prefer perlite myself.
Yeah, sand is pretty oldschool. Pearlite is much better, you can never use too much pearlite either, you just have to water more. Ive seen 100% pearlite grows with excellent results. Pearlite is good shit.