Sandmonkey's 4th Grow: ,,, SOMA A+ (aka Rock Bud) ,,, SAGE 'n' SOUR ,,, ICE


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

just started my 4th grow a few days ago, and this time I've gone with 3 strains :weed:

Once again I'm going all organic with the entire BioBizz line and light soil-mix. Vinegar for pH down and some AN Piranha and Tarantula for microorganisms. 400w HPS for lighting, inline extractor fan w/carbon filter, two fans for circulation and a dehumidifier.

I'm loving the Sour Diesel I harvested a few days ago that I decided to go with one of its crosses with another awesome strain, SAGE. Sage 'n' Sour should be an awesome strain to grow and smoke in spite of the longer flowering time.

I've also decided to go with one of Soma's strains so I went with 3 clones of Soma A+, a.k.a Rock Bud. Should be interesting though I doubt I got the red-color phenotype.

Lastly I got two clones of Ice. Not the most flavorful strain, but I remember a few years ago coppin' some and thought it was the most paralyzing strain I've ever smoked. real heavy duty stuff.

This time I decided to put them under the 400w HPS straight away since i packed away my smaller Homebox. I've also decided to veg them for at least 2-3 weeks (as opposed to 5 days from my last grow!) since I'm only growing 8 plants.

As you can see my room is pretty packed with two fans and a dehumidifier. The latter is essential for me when growing during the summer; especially during lights-out.

The three on the back are the Soma A+, the three in the middle row are the Sage n Sour and the two on the front are the Ice.

The Somas came in 4 days ago and the rest yesterday. I've already watered them once with some Root Juice, and have misted them after potting.

Here are some pics after one day of potting. They're looking happy so far:



Well-Known Member
So the Somas have just completed their 6th day, and the rest their 3rd.

I just fed them with a dose of AN Tarantula and Piranha for microorganisms, plus Root Juice and BioHeaven. I also misted them all with Leaf Coat to prevent too excessive transpiration given the high temps I'm working with.

The Soma are on the back row, the Ice are in the middle and middle-right, the Sage'n'Sour on the front and middle-left. The Somas are getting bushy, the SnS are getting tall (very sativa looking) and the Ice are putting out new growth but not in height.



Well-Known Member
Day 8 for Somas and 5 for the rest.

You can easily see the positive effect of the Piranha and Tarantula:






Active Member
Ahhh looks to be excellent choices on the strains, Im gonna keep an eye on this one man, looks to be a great start! Is it true what they say about the taste of soil being that much different from hydro, im strongly considering trying both.


Well-Known Member
It's been a week since my last update and the girls are doing great. Except for the Ice:

We have Sage'n'Sour on the right, Soma in the middle, and Ice on the left:

one of the Soma. Pure Indica :weed:

a Sage'n'Sour:

and a dwarf Ice.

I think these two just took longer to root, since they only started putting on proper growth in the last 2-3 days. Hopefully they'll catch up some before the switch to 12/12. In any case I'm keeping 'em cuz i don't have time to veg new ones again., and any harvest is better than none :P


Well-Known Member
Day 17

The plants are vegging nicely and I'm gonna flip the lights to 12/12 in a few days.

One of the Sage'n'Sours:


and the Ice finally growing!

I'm still using Root Juice on all my girls, and will continue until 2nd or 3rd week of 12/12. I've also been giving them a dose of Piranha and you can definitely see the results!



Well-Known Member
Well today is day 4 of 12/12 and day 21 in total.

Unfortunately one of my Sage'n'Sours was killed todays ago. Stem was snapped in half and the xylem and phloem were fuk'd beyond repair.

Here's the canopy shot:

One of the bushy Indica Somas:

1 of 2 remaining Sage'n'Sours:

and the 2 tiny Ices. they're about 2/3 the height of the Somas, with skinny stems and almost no side-branching whatsoever.



Well-Known Member
My 7 girls just completed their 10th day under the 12/12 regimen.

I rearranged my plants according to height so I can tilt the light slightly to make sure all plants get the light the need. S'n'S on the right, Soma in the middle and Ice on the left.

Here's one of each with the Ice on the left and S'n'S on the right. All very different genetics:

The very branchy, Sativa-dominant S'n'S:

The christmas tree Soma. Thick stems on these:

And the almost branchless Ice:



Well-Known Member
just feel like posting pics. Flowering has definitely begun :weed:

Here's one of the Soma's. I'm loving how bushy my plants have turned out. For reference, they're in 2 gallon pots:

Here's a Sage'n'Sour. probably a meter high, and very branchy:

and one of the 2 Ice. The smallest plants in this grow. Definitely more suitable for a SOG grow. Oh well...



Well-Known Member
DAY 16 of 12/12:

Unfortunately I had to kill the smallest plant (one of the Ice) cuz of a spider mite infestation; as well as the fact that it was too short to get any decent light exposure.

So i'm down to 6 now. Normally I'd be worried but given the size of these girls six is all I can keep in the room right now; as next week I'll be adding a CO2BOOST pump to my room.

Here's the canopy:

One of the Somas:

And one of the Sage'n'Sours:



Well-Known Member
Girls just completed day 24 of 12/12.

Spotted some spider mite on one of the Soma's so I sprayed all my girls with neem oil.

Otherwise they're pretty healthy.

Here's a side by side of a Soma (left) and Sage'n'Sour:

Close-up of the Soma:




Well-Known Member
today my girls just completed day 30 of 12/12 :clap:

two of my plants' tops got a little burnt by the HPS but nothing too serious. I've raised the lights a bit and temps are definitely down.

Unfortunately my camera's battery just died so I couldn't take nicer pics of the plants out of the Homebox as I usually do.

But these will have to do. 1st off the family shot (note the scrawny Ice is no where to be seen in the pic. What a useless plant definitely better for a SOG):

One of the Soma:


The Soma's are definitely further along. Then again they should be as they are pure skunks. I', guessing harvest for those will be in about 4 weeks. Which is perfect is I'm smoking my last Sour Diesel joint from my last harvest :cry:


Well-Known Member
as promised, better pics of my girls at day 31 of 12/12.

i killed the last remaining Ice. Down to two strains.

Here's a S'n'S (left) and a Soma:





Active Member
ya i had that problem with my first hydro gro...for some reason my bluemoonshinexpotofgold was like 4 times bigger than my Super Silver i ended up getting like MMMMAYBE an 8th dried/ was sad cuz it was the only seed i had...and it was good...just really whispy and weak