Sandpaper scratch germination method


Well-Known Member
So I have germinated seeds many ways throughout the years, water, paper towel, dirt, rapid rooters, etcetera. I have read on here a few times about people putting sandpaper in a pill bottle then shaking the seeds to scratch the shell. So I figured I would give it a try (I like trying new methods). So last Saturday (6 days ago) I did this with 13 seeds I had received through an attitude order. I took some 120 grit sandpaper rolled it up and cut it to fit in a pill bottle, put in a seed shook it up for 30 – 60 seconds then put it in water I did this for each of the seeds (I assume you could do many seeds at once but I kept it strain specific and the most I did of one strain was 2 seeds so when I did them I did them together). Then I placed them in water for 6 hours then into rapid rooter cubes. Well after just 3 days I could see some of them sprouting and today 6 days in this is what I have.

Pretty sure I will be trying this method again in the future, just figured I would share my experience doing it this way.
Not even sure how I am going to grow these right now :D some may go outside since the rooms are full. I think I will run 8 of them in my quasi aero setup using Mega Crop then put the others outside and see how they do.
Not bad! What I did this year is soak overnight (12 hours), then into wet paper towels for another 12 hours then into soil and placed outdoors in 85F degree temps and out of direct sun. I got 15 out of 18.
I've been doing that for years with 150 grit but I doubt the exact grit matters too much. Then I plant right into screened ProMix and get good germination rates. I've checked the seeds under my little 30X scope and can see lots of really fine scratches all over the seed surface that helps the seed absorb water.

I gotta believe this is the fastest I have ever gone from seed into vegger, Thinking this has become my new default method. I will still try other ways but so far I think this has been the quickest method I have tried. I am sure it doesn't hurt that it is full blown spring and our humidity is up but....Out if the 13 I planted 8 are in veg, 3 more are close to going there and 2 have yet to sprout. Sometimes seeds are just duds. Don't get me wrong I am not giving up on those 2 as I have had seeds take 3+ weeks before but to have 11 of 13 ready for nutrients after just 7 days I am impressed.
I have been adding 1 ml of cal\mag per gallon of water with the Mega Crop and that seems to be the sweet spot with my water and current strains.