Well-Known Member
So I have germinated seeds many ways throughout the years, water, paper towel, dirt, rapid rooters, etcetera. I have read on here a few times about people putting sandpaper in a pill bottle then shaking the seeds to scratch the shell. So I figured I would give it a try (I like trying new methods). So last Saturday (6 days ago) I did this with 13 seeds I had received through an attitude order. I took some 120 grit sandpaper rolled it up and cut it to fit in a pill bottle, put in a seed shook it up for 30 – 60 seconds then put it in water I did this for each of the seeds (I assume you could do many seeds at once but I kept it strain specific and the most I did of one strain was 2 seeds so when I did them I did them together). Then I placed them in water for 6 hours then into rapid rooter cubes. Well after just 3 days I could see some of them sprouting and today 6 days in this is what I have.
Pretty sure I will be trying this method again in the future, just figured I would share my experience doing it this way.

Pretty sure I will be trying this method again in the future, just figured I would share my experience doing it this way.