Sandy Hook


Well-Known Member
I know some time has passed and at the time i didnt think about it twice. In fact out here in europe when theres a biog shooting like that we hear or read about it in the news i think most people just assume ye those crazy americans at it again and dont look much into it.
But yesterday on youtube as i was watching interviews and random news there was a sandy hook intervew of a child and i just couldnt believe that child had witnessed a masacre from her demeanor. As I watched a couple more I saw parents who claimed to have their children killed speaking about it waaaay too candidly and aparantly few days after the shooting?
So ye eventually a conspiracy video pops up. I know theres a shit load of crazy ones out there but this one was on point. It pointed out what id noticed and a hell of a lot more that have literally left me baffled enough to wanna ask you turkeys if you really think that went down like it did.
I dont know why but i think faking a elementary school shooting is just so out of this world and unexpected it might just about fly in America..
There is no way it's a conspiracy. The logistics of pulling off an operation like that would be too incredible to imagine. Conspiracy nuts always over simplify the amount of complexity maintaining a lie of that size would require. Way too many people would have to be in on the job to not have a leak. As much as I would love for it to be a hoax, like some paranoid right wingers claim, there is no possibility. And this is coming from a card carrying member of the NRA.
There is no way it's a conspiracy. The logistics of pulling off an operation like that would be too incredible to imagine. Conspiracy nuts always over simplify the amount of complexity maintaining a lie of that size would require. Way too many people would have to be in on the job to not have a leak. As much as I would love for it to be a hoax, like some paranoid right wingers claim, there is no possibility. And this is coming from a card carrying member of the NRA.

Thats what i think as well but then again look how isolated the school is? Look at aerial pics of the incident. The only access road to the school was blocked by police and only a few ambulances were out by the main road. Id imagine a lot more vehicles and peoples and shit might be needed to take out all the cadavers.
Honestly man look at the kids speaking!! They dont seem distraught. Thats what really got me man.
Did you read about the character actors that were in the crowd, the same ones who were also in the boston bombing photos( another possible false flag)?

People who don't think the govt would stage attacks on American people, on American soil to steer policy are delusional. Example:
Operation Northwoods was a proposed operation against the Cuban government, that originated within the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other US government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming it on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. The proposals were rejected by the Kennedy administration.[2]

Replace Cuba with Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran,etc,etc..same narrative..
i personally love conspiracy theories they are pretty neat , the possible endings etc people come up with and conclusions.

but i think sandy hook was a tragic incident and i feel sorry for the loss endured by the families. not everyone takes death of a loved one the same, we often picture it as grieving uncontrollable sobbing and that does happen but other people go into shock as well where they seem perfectly normal...
Then again, if you really, really want a gold ticket in the Book of Doom, go after the kitty loving granny cake and pie bakers. No one is nicer and gooder than them, right?