Sativa Jock Horor grow advice


Active Member
I am a new grower in the 3rd week of flowering on my bagseed grow to hone my skills
I ordered some Jock horror and Eldorado from attitude and want to make sure it goes well. I have a 400 watt hps and 2 125 watt cfl 6500k for side light, I am doing an ebb and flow with hydroton using GH floramicro for vet and florabloom for flower. I also have a fan for air movement and exhaust fan for the heat. I am looking for all and any advice, I will also post my pics as soon as I start which will be in the next 2 weeks.


Active Member
seeds just passed customs in Chicago and the way to me ! I feel like I'm 10 again on Christmas eve. ordered 5 jock horror ,10 el derado ,10 sativa haze #1, and got 10 UFO freebies. I can't wait to start these, It will be nice to grow some good bud.


very easy to grow uppy high have friend who has them deep in flower. love led lights and cfl he has a combo


Active Member
Got my seeds in 12 days from attitude, can't wait to get started I will post pics and progress this weekend. T-shirt was a little lame world of seeds but who cares. Next time I'll get the mug. What is the best way to start them paper towel or drop them in water ???


I always soak a paper towel with a single seed in it. Throw it in a bag and blow a little air in it to increase humidity. Throw it in a dark place (A closet for instance). Should crack in 2-3 days. Make sure you plant TAP ROOT DOWN though lol

Good Luck!

PS. Can you send a pic of that T shirt?