Sativa or indica


Active Member
So i have four plants goin under a 1000hps the lite is 10in away so i can control the height (only have bout 5ft to play with). They are 8in right now. two of them are dark green bushy real nice lookin. The other two are a bit of a lighter green and more spindly, but still real healthy. Anyone know which might be which? think i should snip the tops at all....?


Well-Known Member
there really is no way to know but traditionally the sativa will be taller and skinnier...and the indica will be shorter and stalkier


Active Member
I've had em start bushy with fat leaves and turn out to be sativa as a hooker from Thailand! Cant really tell till you go 12/12 and watch em grom. In my experience, most are crosses.


Active Member
Cool yeah from my research everything is kind of saying that you wont know till 12/12. Anybody got any info on pre-flowering, as far as if itll be female or male? i have read that about 6 weeks into veg u MAYBE can tell if its a dude or chick.. anyone hear that at all or is it pretty much when it hits 12/12 you'll notice then?


Well-Known Member
it depends on the maturity of the plant. if you have a good grow op going then you can sometime see preflowers in about three to four weeks. or about a week after you go to 12/12. sometimes it can take a while. on my first grow i had some that didnt show sex until about 6 weeks whereas i had some other that showed really fast. only about three weeks in. i thought it was really early but the plant turned out fine.


Active Member
So darksarcasm420 was a magnifying glass nesecarry for you at that point or were you able to tell fairly easy to the naked eye?? i'm pretty confident i know what im lookin for i just wanna make sure i get any dudes out asap ya know... i hear a bout these peeps that have early males pop all over there ladies and then there screwed. i dont wana be one of em HAHAHAHA