Sativa plant help

:leaf: So I just recently was given a sativa plant, about 6 weeks old. But it was being grown outside so the plant wasn't getting enough sunlight and grew very tall very fast. The bottom node starts at 7 inches :| and the rest are 1.5 inches, 1, 1, 1.5 inches apart. It looks whack. Its 5 node was like 3 inches higher so I cloned it at that spot, as i want a fat budding sativa plant. what can I do to help her out? Im getting CFLs today, total of 5000 or 6000 lumens. the leaves are slightly stressing out from what I have noticed, I think i might be over watering it. but can I have a pot with a bowl of water at the bottom or will it rot? please let me know ! also, how many hours of light would you suggest for both the clone and the plant? :leaf:

One love <3:leaf:


Active Member
Sativa's grow very big very fast. I wouldn't recommend growing them under cfl. They don't give enough light that penetrates to the bottom of the plants. Rather use a hps. Don't leave your pot in water, you'll kill em. Switch to 12/12 when your clones got roots.


Active Member
That sounds like a male sativa bro. Generally females 100% evolve very fast, but not in height, at least at first. Sativa weed and seeds are the only seeds i ever got. But it's 100% certain, but about 90% x) Hope it isn't though.
I think that's enough light for veg. U can always LST and top if they get too big. Another way is to prune so the light reaches the new growth
It is. So devistated. Fahk theres pollen sacs and i didnt even notice FML.
How can you tell just by my description!?
do you know what I can do to make it a female? or is it genetics?
thanks! Hps are super expensive though arent they? im going to germinate some seeds... once it sprouts should i use CFL? or can I use something else, something cheaper than hps?


Active Member
That suck's. Flower one of them right now and keep some pollen. If you can get your hands on some freaky indica weed, you can make your own brand..heheh
Sorry, writing too much. just :joint: 1!
Good luck


Active Member
thanks! Hps are super expensive though arent they? im going to germinate some seeds... once it sprouts should i use CFL? or can I use something else, something cheaper than hps?
Depends on what your definition of expensive is. They payoff in the end. Using cfls for seedlings are fine. I suppose using them throughout the cycle is fine too, just keep them short and maintain a even canopy and make sure you got enough of them.

Well-Known Member
You should not need a lot except root growth formula, some good soil, and about 5000-7000 lums till it is about 10 inches tall then you use better lights, but it does not really matter sativa is the easiest type of marijuana plant to grow. almost all indica strains are very picky about temperature and light.