So I just recently was given a sativa plant, about 6 weeks old. But it was being grown outside so the plant wasn't getting enough sunlight and grew very tall very fast. The bottom node starts at 7 inches and the rest are 1.5 inches, 1, 1, 1.5 inches apart. It looks whack. Its 5 node was like 3 inches higher so I cloned it at that spot, as i want a fat budding sativa plant. what can I do to help her out? Im getting CFLs today, total of 5000 or 6000 lumens. the leaves are slightly stressing out from what I have noticed, I think i might be over watering it. but can I have a pot with a bowl of water at the bottom or will it rot? please let me know ! also, how many hours of light would you suggest for both the clone and the plant?
One love <3
One love <3