Sativa question?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Yes, Sativa's overall take longer to flower.
They are from different regions of the world.
Indica's flower quicker because they cannot make it through the early winter of their indigenous land.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
I've heard of guys flowering for 15 weeks!!
But, also as early as 9 weeks.
If your really into Stiva's then I suggest finding a Sativa Dominant hybrid.
An easy way to tell if it's Sativa dominant is the flowering times are almost always over 9 weeks.


Well-Known Member
To my understanding sativas grow longer than indicas does that mean sativas generally yield more than indicas?


Well-Known Member
If you want to grow a sativa plant just grow one that is made for indoor grows. Something like a power plant will do you fine (its not a pure sativa, but its heavily sativa dominate).


Well-Known Member
yeah, flower time of an indica is normally 8-12 weeks.

flower time for a satvia is normally 12-16 weeks. as for yeilding more indicas do yeild more, but what you want is a satvia cross, thats mostly satvia, that way, you have the satvia benefits with the yield of an indica.

people will often say satvias yield more, but its because of the height satvias can grow at, it you had a 4ft plant of each, the indica would win.