Sativas 35 days of flower. PICS


Well-Known Member
Tell me what you guys think.

temps have been too high... around 90*F so they seem to be stunted some.

your thoughts?

6 plants... not just one all in 5gal pots
two 600w hps
71* night 90* lights on
humidity 48-50%
fan blowing across canopy.
fan blowing across pots
fox farm bloom nutes full strength
cal mag 1/2 strength
(every other watering)
ph to 6.7
ph of soil was 6.0 hopefully up to 6.5 now.



Well-Known Member
yeah at about day 30 it finally stopped growing upwards. she flowered at 31" (was told it was BB(indica dominate...)but obv is a sativa dominate) and now she stopped at 72" was planning to have colas at the top of the PVC... oops