Sativas are always energetic and Indicas are sleepers?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes this is true but other times not. For example Green crack strain, coming at Sativa Dominant Hybrid 65% Sativa / 35% Indica 27 THC and 1 CBD. This strain to me is always energetic no matter even if I try deffrent version. Next time I tried chocolope 95 sativa /5 indica 27 thc cbd 0. No matter times I try this strain it feels like a indica to me wich is strange. I feel a sleep on the couch all day. Next I tried sour pineapple 70/13 25 thc..The most emergetic strain ever tried it feelt like I was drunk.
Now the question is it true the more Sativa are the way to look for energetic strains or is it terpense example more lime or pine.
I think it works the other way around; peeps smoke the weed, get either up or down, and then depending on the high they say its sativa/indica leaning. Or look at the leaves and same. Everything is a hybrid nowadays the only real sativas are those old landraces some seedbanks deal with. Its not so much sativa/indica genetics that define the high, its the high that makes us define the weed a posteriori.
Maybe who ever smoked that 95 sativa had a weird day, smoked and got all jittery, and put it down to weed genetics rather than their own nervous state or disposition.
I've been struggling with differences between indica and sativa as well. I'm 62 years old and have been smoking for over 45 years. I've grown for about 28 of those years, even in the 90s when we only got cuts from other growers or seeds from Holland.

As mentioned above, most strains nowadays are all hybrids. The genetics are bread for high THC, and terpene profile is a secondary consideration.

I've been chasing landraces for years, trying to use simple, two-way crosses, or pure land race strains. Ace Seeds does pretty good with some of these. Sensi seeds sells some classic, beautiful skunks, and sativas. Coastal seeds used to do some as well. Right now, I'm growing strains from the 80s and 90s and two land race strains.

these convoluted genetics these days are crazy! Look at seed finder and try to follow all those branches! People find a rare phenotype in a batch of seeds, breed it, add to its already fucked up genetics, and think they are making another great strain! Most are just, "one offs" rare phenos that showed a different expression.

I have gotten VERY high, smoking 17% THC, weed, as much as 26% weed!
I think a lot of the individual characteristics of indica/sativa, have been muddled together.

I believe terpenes have a MUCH greater impact on the "buzz" than people realize.
General trend not a hard rule. I agree with @MeOhMyOhio about terps being more indicitive of effects then indica/sativea liniage classic blueberry is 80/20 indica and puts my head in the clouds and so do most of the berry terps. Deisle strains are heavey sativa and tend to put me on my ass
I think it works the other way around; peeps smoke the weed, get either up or down, and then depending on the high they say its sativa/indica leaning. Or look at the leaves and same. Everything is a hybrid nowadays the only real sativas are those old landraces some seedbanks deal with. Its not so much sativa/indica genetics that define the high, its the high that makes us define the weed a posteriori.
Maybe who ever smoked that 95 sativa had a weird day, smoked and got all jittery, and put it down to weed genetics rather than their own nervous state or disposition.

Basically what I realized recently. Also tolerance playing a role. I never smoked a pure sativa or maybe I did, I once had weed we hated because it grew so weird.

Like a stem of calyxes instead of bud. As far into this as I am I still dont know what that was about.
Like they say cotton mouth and munchies/weight gain but on a tolerance its the opposite. They say it makes you tired and unproductive but on a tolerance its not like that.

I rarely take kush naps and those were from edibles. Ive taken those so long they dont make me crash uncontrollably.

But without a tolerance theres so much character to each high like youre living a movie. Lots of nonsense to claim youre experiencing.
Like they say cotton mouth and munchies/weight gain but on a tolerance its the opposite. They say it makes you tired and unproductive but on a tolerance its not like that.

I rarely take kush naps and those were from edibles. Ive taken those so long they dont make me crash uncontrollably.

But without a tolerance theres so much character to each high like youre living a movie. Lots of nonsense to claim youre experiencing.
I pretty much smoke weed every day. Went home to scando where i dont have any connect and really prefer spending time with the fam rather than being stoned. Came back and smoked some new sativa genetics we acquired - old school genetics, all the different parents and and grand parents of that strain (DayZ) come directly, as in look what my hippie friend brought home from Nepal, from the source. Nothing diluted with comercial genetics. Smoked it as my first joint in 3 weeks, it was like getting on a frigging Rocket, long crazy high, almost too much. Now that im used again its just some really nice weed with a clear and not sleepy high. Very good but nothing like my first experience. Tolerance makes such a big difference.
Currently im back in scando for another 3 weeks. This time im going to be very careful on what i smoke first when im back - i dont wanna waste the experience on some shitty hybrid weed, i want another rocketship but a new one. I rec a bit of abstinence to anyone struggling with "bad weed on the market" - it might just be you and your over indulgence of the habit.
Yea, I had highs that felt like my head was up up and away like a ballon, detached from my body.

Then highs where Im just sitting there and feel one with the couch and felt a downward force on my whole body.

So ai associated that with body/head buzz. Then the situation itself.

Once we were walking down a quiet suburb neighborhood and it just felt like a movie set. A really, really large one.

Like no one on set too, no echos from us talking, not a person in sight. No birds chirping dead of winter. Seemed like no one was home.

It was crazy how each high there was so much going on in my head and outside of it. So many strange things.
I heard golden tiger is still around and a strain that does some trippy reputable sativa effects. I dont get how some can be so indica looking with girthy nugs, is that still the golden tiger people glorify?

The high that is.. At one point Ill have a 3x3 for whatever but I dont think thats enough space. Need like a 5x5?

I really want to try the pure sativa high but yea with my tolerance id screw it up. I wouldnt be suprised if its like what amneziaHaze said.
I like the euphoria sativa/hybrid thing best. My favorite feeling from weed is that relaxed, zero anxiety, weight lifted from my shoulder, like i have the sun living in my chest, smiling at the world and loving everybody. Too heady, amnesia style and nonstopp head is not my main thing. Ive heard the thais are a lot like that happy weed.
I've been struggling with differences between indica and sativa as well. I'm 62 years old and have been smoking for over 45 years. I've grown for about 28 of those years, even in the 90s when we only got cuts from other growers or seeds from Holland.

As mentioned above, most strains nowadays are all hybrids. The genetics are bread for high THC, and terpene profile is a secondary consideration.

I've been chasing landraces for years, trying to use simple, two-way crosses, or pure land race strains. Ace Seeds does pretty good with some of these. Sensi seeds sells some classic, beautiful skunks, and sativas. Coastal seeds used to do some as well. Right now, I'm growing strains from the 80s and 90s and two land race strains.

these convoluted genetics these days are crazy! Look at seed finder and try to follow all those branches! People find a rare phenotype in a batch of seeds, breed it, add to its already fucked up genetics, and think they are making another great strain! Most are just, "one offs" rare phenos that showed a different expression.

I have gotten VERY high, smoking 17% THC, weed, as much as 26% weed!
I think a lot of the individual characteristics of indica/sativa, have been muddled together.

I believe terpenes have a MUCH greater impact on the "buzz" than people realize.

Now Im debating If I should get Sour pineapple, Lemon haze or sonoma coma. I know Sour pineapple is a energetic strain I tried it before, but according to my study for terpense.
Sonoma Coma - +05 Limonene 0.5 cyryophyllene --05 myrcene.

Sour pineapple +0.5 Myrcene , 0.5 pinene ,0.5 ocimene

Lemon haze +0.5 Myrcene 0.5 Caryophyllene 0.5 Limonene

Acording to terpense Sonoma Coma has less myrcene but greater Limonene than other strains. Myrcene is sedetive terps. Not sure what you guys think I should get next?
Its 100% total BS, about Indica vs Sativa. 99% of All I smoked back in the 60s-70s was landrace Sativas, and can 100% tell you, most of them, would knock you on your ass, heavy drunk comedown, with refrigerator raiding munchies, with blood red eyes.
And its true. many of them, would race your mind, but, many of them, had extremely heavy physical effects, with the racing mind.
Now Im debating If I should get Sour pineapple, Lemon haze or sonoma coma. I know Sour pineapple is a energetic strain I tried it before, but according to my study for terpense.
Sonoma Coma - +05 Limonene 0.5 cyryophyllene --05 myrcene.

Sour pineapple +0.5 Myrcene , 0.5 pinene ,0.5 ocimene

Lemon haze +0.5 Myrcene 0.5 Caryophyllene 0.5 Limonene

Acording to terpense Sonoma Coma has less myrcene but greater Limonene than other strains. Myrcene is sedetive terps. Not sure what you guys think I should get next?

If you want something that will heavily sedate you, buy Crickets and Cicada Pacific Northwest Hashplant x Puck BC2. This stuff, is a daywrecker. Killer taste, and knockout stone.
Or if one wants to save a bit of money, NWSun, has F2 Repros of the first release from C&C PNWHP x Puck BC1. Great genetics, and great to deal with. Also has F2 of C&C Lebanese x Puck BC1 F2s. He says the PNWHP, is the most potent strain, in his garden. $45 a pack
Both, are top of the line, blast your ass Indicas. PNWHP cut, has been around since the very early 80s. Bob/C&C says his latest release, surpasses the mother, in every way, which is a big statement, considering the PPNWHP is one of, if not the Most Sought After, of all the Hashplant mothers. And Puck aka Skelly, is right up there with her.
He also has a couple other heavy Indicas, but I myself, would start with this one.

For a Cerebral high?

Right off the bat, for a good Cerebral High. And Superior Genetics.

I think the differences are more related to the way the plants were grown and ripened and dried, than whether or not it's an Indica or a Sativa. THC is THC regardless of which one it's from and the same goes for all the other cannabinoids. Yes, there are differences in the terpene profiles and the ratios among the cannabinoids....but those are all variable in both Sativa and Indica, too.

When I started smoking weed back in the 70's, most all of it was Sativa from Mexico. When it was a good batch, it typically sat you down and melted you into the couch. None of it made you feel "up" or "energized"....etc. That weed was also grown to the point that the buds were full of ripe seeds. That's what determined when to harvest -the seeds were ripe. So, that means that those Mexican Sativa were grown to full term and also allowed to produce seeds.

I, personally, believe that the whole "up" thing comes from underripe flowers....because when you smoke underripe weed, the "stoney" effects are minimized. So, you feel kinda high, but not really stoned. If that same Sativa was allowed to ripen more, then the effects would be much heavier.

The differences were hyped by the medical marijuana industry in an attempt to sell more products. I once had a flirty bud tender tell me stuff like, "Ohhhhh this one makes me SO horny!" LOL! "Oooohhh, I use this one to study."....etc.
In the mid-late 60s, when all the hippies, were invading Nepal, to smoke hash, and weed, they had a shortage, of both.

Cannabis, being legal, the King, of Nepal, declared a National Emergency, and imported Broad Leaf from Afghanistan, to supplement the shortage.
To the Nepalis, Broad Leaf, was Inferior, to Narrow Leaf Varieties.
Its 100% total BS, about Indica vs Sativa. 99% of All I smoked back in the 60s-70s was landrace Sativas, and can 100% tell you, most of them, would knock you on your ass, heavy drunk comedown, with refrigerator raiding munchies, with blood red eyes.
And its true. many of them, would race your mind, but, many of them, had extremely heavy physical effects, with the racing mind.
I started smoking Mexican and Columbian landrace strains in 1975, and in the 80s we started getting Thai sticks from Asia, and Indica Skunk strains started popping up in California. Those strains weren’t muddled at all, and I bet a lot of them tested at 17%-20% THC. Ripped you for hours!
I started smoking Mexican and Columbian landrace strains in 1975, and in the 80s we started getting Thai sticks from Asia, and Indica Skunk strains started popping up in California. Those strains weren’t muddled at all, and I bet a lot of them tested at 17%-20% THC. Ripped you for hours!

I started smoking, in 1967.

Im in extreme northeast, Ky. We used to get a lot of weed, from Meigs County. My buddy, got the first Indica we ever saw, from William Keith "Noodles" Hayes. In 1972. My buddy was playing in a band, that opened for James Gang, in Charleston Wva, met Noodles there, and he invited my buddy, to his farm. Noodles also created Meigs County Gold, and Willie Nelson, was a frequent visitor.
We also got the first Skunk, from Noodles, in 1978, but buddy got ratted out, and lost it, and the Indica, in 1984.
My buddy passed 2 years ago, and would be 75 this year, and Noodles, would be 80.
Noodles passed in 2020, at St Marys Medical Center, in Huntigton Wva.
Noodles told my buddy, the Skunk, was a cross of Kerela, and an unnamed Indica.
Interesting he knew about Kerela, in 1978, and possessed the genetics. He had been collecting seeds, since the 60s.
Meigs, was known as the Humboldt County, of the East, in the 70s.
Last year I did nothing but landrace fems from Ace Seeds. So I did a Malawi, Golden Tiger, Killer A5 Haze and Panama x Golden Tiger (x2) I was always a hybrid/Indica fan for pain/sleep, and now I’m more about the Sativas. They all start off energetic if you don’t over indulge, but they are eventually relaxing enough that I can feel sleepy. I get that when I overdue it on my Golden Tiger and eventually with my Killer A5 Haze. Plus my Freeze Dryer really preserves the terps with my one PxGT tasting like Jolly Ranchers fruity hard candies. This year I have Coco Melon and Double Chocolate as my main Sativa goes this year, as I still have plenty from last year
