Save energy costs and produce more yield from modified light schedule?


Active Member
Found this pick while on the net and want to know what people think of what seems to be too good to be true. I know modified light schedules are a huge debate and want to know what experience people have had tampering with it....383274_241544362571234_100001470173007_689323_1576349443_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
I've seen this light schedule in the past, I think It was Lucas that said "when have you seen this in nature" Keep it simple. But I must admit, I have thought of trying it :) would love to follow a grow with this, if someone post one.....


Well-Known Member
How it going 805... When you found this did it say if the Light cycle was Started from seed or Clone?, Any other Info.?
In Theory to me it sounds like it should work... and i would be willing to try it on my next grow if i had some more information?
Have you got a link to any Websites that might have any help for trying this method.?
Take care


Active Member
Na man was just a random picture on found on a weed related thread. Im going to assume this is from a clone, but honestly both seedlings and clones are in the vegetative state so Im pretty sure it would work for either. Basically what you see is what you get, will research a bit today to try and find some more info...


Well-Known Member
I've seen this light schedule in the past, I think It was Lucas that said "when have you seen this in nature" Keep it simple. But I must admit, I have thought of trying it :) would love to follow a grow with this, if someone post one.....
when have u seen 18/6 in nature?


Active Member
Hey, I'm new here and this is my first post. I just wanted to say this is a very interesting topic and also can help save a lot of money. Please post if someone have experiment with this.


Well-Known Member
Cheers, Give me a shout if you find anything interesting ? As i said, it's worth a try with a bit more info.
Thanks for digging this one up as i found it quite thought provoking ;-)
Take care


Active Member
theres this gus goes by keystoner that runs his 8 1000"s but only 2 at a time every 3 hours, i pm him for more details but havent heard back from him. he claims to be getting 15 pounds from those lights evry run.


Well-Known Member
I'm Sat in the Dog's bed with my laptop and her across my knees. my legs went Dead about an hour ago and i'm dying for a wee lol...
I've tried to bribe her with a biscuit but No Go... Help!!! lol....


Well-Known Member
Is that using the Modified Light Schedule your getting the info for ? :-) Seems strange to have so many Quality Lights to use but only use 2 at a time?


Active Member
I havent found any useful info yet, but my search is not done. Would be interesting to see the results of whomever created that jpeg...


Well-Known Member
never tried it..maybe i will someday.. i really cant afford it now it is thought provoking though