saving polen from clones


Well-Known Member
hey everyone hows it going well i used my stinkbud rail system for a cloner must say it worked great i tried many of times to take clones no i have 90 some clones all with roots and 8 plants ready to flip to 12/12... that fish tank heater worked great at walmart for 20 bucks best money spent...anyways im wondering if i put a clone from each plant on 12/12 in a small grow cabient in 160z dixie cups...and saved the polen from the males and weed out the males before i switch to 12/12 in my main flowering room could i use that polen to put on my mother plants? or should i switch the clones to 12/12? the reason im asking is....ive not yet taking my clones out of the areo cloner...and would the 16 oz dixie cups make smaller seed if i let the clones just seed? jw...because i plan to use these seed outdoors would the small cups hurt the offspring any?
hey everyone hows it going well i used my stinkbud rail system for a cloner must say it worked great i tried many of times to take clones no i have 90 some clones all with roots and 8 plants ready to flip to 12/12... that fish tank heater worked great at walmart for 20 bucks best money spent...anyways im wondering if i put a clone from each plant on 12/12 in a small grow cabient in 160z dixie cups...and saved the polen from the males and weed out the males before i switch to 12/12 in my main flowering room could i use that polen to put on my mother plants? or should i switch the clones to 12/12? the reason im asking is....ive not yet taking my clones out of the areo cloner...and would the 16 oz dixie cups make smaller seed if i let the clones just seed? jw...because i plan to use these seed outdoors would the small cups hurt the offspring any?
To make good mature seeds you need to pollinate the females when they are 3 weeks into flower, if u pollinate too late you will get white immature useless seeds. So yes u r correct, once the males show sex you can separate them in another room or isolation box, save the pollen, and paintbrush the pollen onto the females. This way you can control the amount of seeds you create.

If your only goal is to create lot of seeds, then just leave the males in there and shake them and the pollen will go everywhere and u will get a million seeds.

As long as the clones are rooted well and are about 10 inches tall you can definitely put them in 16 ounce cups but make sure you put them into flower immediately or they will get super root bound. Once you flip them they will grow an additional 20 inches probably.