hey everyone hows it going well i used my stinkbud rail system for a cloner must say it worked great i tried many of times to take clones no luck....now i have 90 some clones all with roots and 8 plants ready to flip to 12/12... that fish tank heater worked great at walmart for 20 bucks best money spent...anyways im wondering if i put a clone from each plant on 12/12 in a small grow cabient in 160z dixie cups...and saved the polen from the males and weed out the males before i switch to 12/12 in my main flowering room could i use that polen to put on my mother plants? or should i switch the clones to 12/12? the reason im asking is....ive not yet taking my clones out of the areo cloner...and would the 16 oz dixie cups make smaller seed if i let the clones just seed? jw...because i plan to use these seed outdoors would the small cups hurt the offspring any?