science is forever finding more .


Well-Known Member
something like that is bound to happen, i know it has to... we are evolving into smarter technology, not human evolution, just the technology, which makes us smarter i guess... but we are bound to stump on major theory at least in the near future

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
cant wait for all organized religions to fall apart because of some awesome findings. "well guys, you were right about one thing, god does exists... but it is something you have never even imagined. looks like were all just gonna have to get along now" hehehe!


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh, somebody got their feelings hurt!

You know saying, it hilarious once somebody gets hurts, ... Lol

yeah oliver you might wannna keep out this thread , this is REAL scientists doing real things to find out answers about our planet and existance , its not for you , who is happy with 'GOD DONE IT'


Well-Known Member
something like that is bound to happen, i know it has to... we are evolving into smarter technology, not human evolution, just the technology, which makes us smarter i guess... but we are bound to stump on major theory at least in the near future
You're a fucking idiot if you deny evolution

Read this. I know you wont since you're a close minded creationist but it's here for everybody else

Honestly I'm a member on 2-3 forums and you definitely have the lowest IQ out of any poster I have ever ran into. I hope you're trolling because you are just downright fucking retarded.

Oly's motto

"Logic and reason? Fuck that! It's all about blind faith! Reject facts and replace them with fairytales."


Well-Known Member
yeah asshole, nice straw man brah!!!

you misinterpret what i say to favor your atheistic beliefs and try to ridicule me with your 3rd grade bullshit...

if you would think before you post about what i said you would not have made such a stupid statement.. it shows your small mind son... anyone familiar with evolution would have grasped what i said that is why no one had said anything till your 2nd grade bitch ass came in trying to be a one upper, fuck off man...

what i meant with "not human evolution" is that we have not been able to witness any major changes in human evolution. there have not been any key findings such as changes in species like there has been for the past 7 million years or so since the first inception of our ancestors...

and what i meant with "just technology" is that as technology advances, the human race has no need to evolve in my opinion.. we rely too much on technology that we will no longer have any need for the motto "survival of the fittest or strongest'' cause our technology will do most things for us..

but go ahead and try your best at TRYING to seem like a tough guy who wants to be liked by everyone, since you are member of 2-3 forums and who likes to construe the words of others in order to gain an upper hand... or thinking you are some insanely intelligent person just cause you are an atheist and think your way is the only way cause it is logically sound in your mind... man whatever dude, you and all your other atheist jerk friends should get off your high fat horse son...

nice try though... i still dont think you have gained anything, just showing how stupid you are... so quick to jump the gun and understand things only how you see them to fit your argument...

You're a fucking idiot if you deny evolution

Read this. I know you wont since you're a close minded creationist but it's here for everybody else

Honestly I'm a member on 2-3 forums and you definitely have the lowest IQ out of any poster I have ever ran into. I hope you're trolling because you are just downright fucking retarded.

Oly's motto

"Logic and reason? Fuck that! It's all about blind faith! Reject facts and replace them with fairytales."


Well-Known Member
You're a fucking idiot if you deny evolution

Read this. I know you wont since you're a close minded creationist but it's here for everybody else

Honestly I'm a member on 2-3 forums and you definitely have the lowest IQ out of any poster I have ever ran into. I hope you're trolling because you are just downright fucking retarded.

Oly's motto

"Logic and reason? Fuck that! It's all about blind faith! Reject facts and replace them with fairytales."
if evolution and natural selection is right can you explain to me then why humans that derived from apes shed their own fur just to kill other animals and wear theirs for the winter season. now i thought to evolve is to change based on where you live in order to continue to live. now how much fuckin sense does it make for early humans in russia to shed all their fur just to kill and try to put fur back on themselves?

if you believe that then you're a fuckin idiot son


Well-Known Member
if evolution and natural selection is right can you explain to me then why humans that derived from apes shed their own fur just to kill other animals and wear theirs for the winter season. now i thought to evolve is to change based on where you live in order to continue to live. now how much fuckin sense does it make for early humans in russia to shed all their fur just to kill and try to put fur back on themselves?

if you believe that then you're a fuckin idiot son
So "God did it" is more logical? Seems you're the "fuckin idiot son". ;)