scientifically proven ways to significantly increase a Cannabis high and other tips


New Member
Hi im new to the Cannabis scene i have only smoked 3 times and all of those instances where recently

i have a habit of researching things heavily before i really get into them i guess i got it from playing video games like fallout 3 new Vegas dragons age skyrim etc but anyway here is some info i have learned when it comes to using cannabis most of this is just a modified copy and paste from a Microsoft word document i had been using to compile information for personal use but i decided to share it a very large amount of the info contains information that very few people likely know and I also include some information for newer cannabis users

If you have any other bits of advice then feel free to post them and i might add them

oh and another thing i mention multiple different chemicals that effect a Cannabis high all of them have been proven to effect the high but not all of them have guidelines on how much they effect things and how much you need to consume of it so take some of this with a grain of salt though i should mention aprox guidelines and whether or not there are any with each entry

No one ever accused me of being a good writer I have some learning difficulties including autism so please don’t dismiss everything I say just because of my lack of punctuation

myrcene ingest some lemongrass oil it contains myrcene a chemical that speeds up and increases the delivery of the canabanoids into the blood stream then the brain it also is a chemical that naturally occurs in weed it shortens the time it takes for it to kick in makes you higher and makes the effects last longer its very cheap and it contains oil so this could be used as both the fat part and the myrcene part and some herb forums claimed it can having a calming sedative effect I have been told that one drop is more than enough to get the desired effect and it kicks in after about 45 minutes
You can also get Myrcene from ripe mangos you may have heard someone mentioning that mangos increase a cannabis high and it is true but it contains much less compared to lemongrass oil
The way it works is that it allows the canabanoids to pass the blood brain barrier basically your brain normally is protected from substances in the blood that could do it hard bacteria viruses parasites etc it also to a extent keeps out canabanoids but if you ingest myrcene it should pass through with little difficulty
Chocolate contains Anandamide a substance almost identical to canabanoids like THC, it also contains N-Oleoylethanolamine and N-Linoleoylethanolamine in a study by a group called Piomelli it was found that Oleoylethanolamine and N-Linoleoylethanolamine delay Anandamide and Canabanoids including THC breakdown when attached to brain receptors slowing down the effects of your brains enzymes or in theory stopping them altogether the enzymes names are
(fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacyglycerol lipase (MAGL)) that attempt to flush it from the system so it prolongs the high a note though in lab condition these effects might all be true but they didn’t’t specify how much you need it might mean having to eat 30 chocolate bars to get any effect or just a couple of squares
Although some people say that sugar can speed up the comedown so to balance this out it might be best to eat dark chocolate with a low amount of sugar or use some kind of chocolate powder some types seam to have no sugar in them plus the effects will be more potent with dark chocolate some milk chocolates only contain 2% coco mass vs. up to 88% coco mass in dark chocolate so you might have to eat 44 milk chocolate bars to get the same effect
N-Oleoylethanolamine can also be found in some weight loss pills
P450 enzyme inhibitors your liver has a group on enzymes that break down multiple different types of illegal and prescription drugs this group is called P450 it also breaks down canabanoids this enzyme group mainly effects ingested cannabis rather than smoked, there are a few enzyme inhibitors you can use to combat p450 group warning if your taking any medication be warned these enzymes work to break down the drugs your given and without them the doses will be higher I suggest you search the wiki page for the respective enzyme and check to see if your medication is included if your unsure ask your doctor on whether its safe to eat/drink grapefruit and or use St John Wart if he doesn’t know then maybe get a second opinion
Also there is a lot of filler crap with a lot of info that most people don’t need but if you have access to some of these chemicals or medications and there aren’t any side effects other than the enzyme inhibiting effects then maybe you could use them I thought they where all worth mentioning ether way if you don’t want to read through all that just skip down and I will mention some of the better choices
CYP1A2 this enzyme can be effected by
Ciprofloxacin (fluoroquinolone bactericidal)
Many other fluoroquinolones (broad-spectrum antibiotics)
Fluvoxamine (SSRI antidepressant)
Verapamil (calcium channel blocker)
Cimetidine (H2-receptor antagonist)
Amiodarone (antiarrhythmic agent
Interferon (antiviral, antiseptic, antioncogenic)
Methoxsalen (in psoriasis)
Mibefradil (calcium channel blocker)
Grapefruit and grapefruit juice (flavanone naringenin)
Star fruit??? (possibly contains CYP1A2 enzyme inhibitor)
grapefruit is the most well know enzyme inhibitor but few know why it effects them just that they feel higher when taking it the chemical in grapefruit that effects CYP1A2 is called naringenin it is the chemical that gives grapefruit its bitterness it can be bought by itself as a health supplement the chemical is found in both the juice the flesh and the peel so if your brave enough you can eat the peel to get even more effect naringenin from ether grapefruit or as a supplement is probably your best choice though you could try peppermint chamomile and dandelion teas apparently they work as well
Warning CYP1A2inhibitors as mentioned before effects many legal and illegal drugs including many anti cancer meds so be careful check the wiki page on CYP1A2 enzyme and see what drugs are effected by it if in doubt tell your doctor about the effects grapefruit can have on drugs and ask him if your prescribes drugs can be effected
CYP2C9 this enzyme can be effected by
Fluconazole (antifungal)
Miconazole (antifungal)

Amentoflavone (constiruent of Ginkgo biloba Hypercium perforatum (St johns Wort)
Chamaecyparis (hinoki)

Sulfaphenazole (antibacterial)
Valproic acid (anticonculsant, mood-stabilizing
Amiodarone (ant arrhythmic)
Antihistamines (H1- receptor antagonists)
Fenofibrate (fibrate)
fluvastatin (statin)
Fluvoxamine (SSRI)
Isoniazid (in turberculosis)
Lovastatin (statin)
Phenylbutazone (NSAID)
Probenecid (uricosuric)
Sertraline (SSRI)
Sulfamethozazole (antibiotic)
Teniposide (chemotherapeutic)
Voriconazole (antifungal)
Zafirlukast (leukotriene antagonist)
quercetin (anti inflammatory)
Star fruit??? (possibly contains CYP2C9 enzyme inhibitor)
Wow that took a while anyway your best choice is probably amentoflavone this is found in Ginkgo biloba
Hypercium perforatum (St johns Wort)
Chamaecyparis (hinoki)
Im not sure what one is best but ST John Wort is probably the easiest to get hold of but ginko biloba also effects CYP3A4 so it might be the better choice
CYP3A4 this enzyme can be affected by
Protesase inhibitors
Some macrolide antibiotics
Chloramphenicol (antibiotic)
Some azole antifungals
Nefazodone (antidepressant)
Aprepitant (antiemetric)
Some calcium channel blockers
Some macrolide antibiotics
Some azole antifungals
bergamottin (constituent of grapefruit and grapefruit juice and the plant Bergamot orange)
Cimetidine (H2-receptor antagonist
Buprenophine (analgesic)
Cafestol (in unfiltered coffee)
Amiodarone (antiarrhythmic)
Ciprofloxacin (antibiotic)
Dithiocarbamate (functional group)
Voriconazole (antifungal)
Imatinib (anticancer)
Mifepristone (abortifacient)
Norfloxacin (antibiotic)
Some non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Gestating (hormonal contraceptive)
Mibefradil (in angina pectoris)
Star fruit
Milk thistle
Ginko biloba
Quercetin- Quercetin has been shown to act as an initial inhibitor and subsequent inducer
Hard to say what one is the best choice ginko biloba also effects CYP2C9 star fruit effects CYP3A4 and likely CYP2C9 and CYP1A2 though its likely tricky to get a hold of and grape fruit as well as containing naringenin also contains Bergamottin so I guess the best choice is just to use ginko biloba and grapefruit to suppress the CYP3A4 enzyme
Christ that took hours to type and research but anyway those 3 enzymes are the main ones there are a few others but I cant find conclusive data suggesting they effect canabanoids so yeah my finding overall I guess is drink grapefruit juice but blend it yourself the chemicals can be damaged from the process of concentrating them and other methods used to increase shelf life so its best to get a grapefruit and blend it up I have read that white grapefruit contains more of the chemicals needed also if you have the balls eat the peel and also use ginko bilbo or if that’s not a option St Johns Wort also take everything 45 minutes before using Cannabis
Eat a fat filled meal 45 minutes before eating canabanoids infused fat for example canobutter your body produces fat digesting enzymes throughout the day and when you eat a fatty snack 45 minutes before the canobutter (or other canabanoid infused oils/fats) the enzymes don’t have enough time to build up and break down the fat destroying or damaging the canabanoids in the process
This should not be as much of a requirement if your using short chain fatty acids like saturated fat because your enzymes cant properly break it down and it supposedly travels strait into the blood stream to the liver this is suppost to be why saturated fat is bad for you because it glogs up your arteries with fat.
but even if you are using a type of butter with very high levels of saturated fat there still will likely be normal fat included so this should still be helpful
Cough when inhaling smoke or vapour I have read that if you cough it opens your capillaries and allows smoke in places that it normally doesn’t’t get to and many other people have also said similar things whilst others have just said its something to do with a increase of bps and blood pressure and others say you just feel higher because of a lack of oxygen to the brain
Some people say that cigarettes can help other say they hinder I have read no scientific data though but my best idea is that it doesn’t’t increase the weed high rather the head rush from weed and the head rush from nicotine are similar enough that when you smoke both at the same time you get a really big head rush and a sort of happy feeling like you supposedly can get from smoking cigs and that you also get from the weed combining
Use short chain fatty acids like saturated fat there are a few choices coconut oil seams to be a common choice as is some types of cheese the reason it works is that your bile I.e stomach acid cant properly break it down so it sends it of to your liver undamaged through your arteries somehow, this is why saturated fat isn’t good for you because it isn’t broken down at all and can clog your arteries though in small amounts this shouldn’t’t be a issue whilst if you used long chain acids the absorption rate in cooking would be lower and the stomach acids would damage the oil and a good part of the oil would just pass through the intestines another thing to add is that some studies think that short chain fat also absorbs canoboids better in the cooking process
It depends but Cano-oil and canobutter take on average about 90 minutes to take into effect without any helpers like enzyme inhibitors myrcene
Im not sure on the validity of this but I have read multiple times from different sources though with no scientific backing that sugar exercise and vitamin c bring down a high faster so if you want to be high longer balance the fun from eating sugary munchies vs. losing potency also it could be used to voluntarily help you come down from a high
If a person cooks Cannabis with saturated fat properly they can get 6 times higher on the same amount of weed as smoking and the effects will last between 6 and 12 hours possibly longer so if you can do it cooking is the most cost effective option
Your liver can convert THC Delta 9 to THC Delta 11 when Cannabis is consumed
THC evaporates at 140c all other canabanoids reach a temperature where they can blend into the oil/butter at 80c so its best to cook at 100c or maybe 120c when your making cannabis oil/canobutter
Some people have said that you could Hyperventilate that it somehow increases the effects felt from the high im not sure if there is any reason for this other than oxygen deprivation making you feel light headed but feel free to try it put you head between your knees and hypervenalate for 15 to 25 seconds on the last breath hold it tilt head back and close eyes and nose, for health reasons don’t hold for to long
Drink alcohol many people say that if done right they will both increase each others effects but if done wrong they can make you throw up most people recommend that you smoke before you drink or you will throw up although some people can handle taking both simultaneously there is actually a drink called the green dragon that is made form high % alcohol and cannabis combined generally ever clear or vodka .
my theory is that it has something to do with the canabanoids and alcohol in your bloodstream cananoids attach themselves to alcohol so maybe both being processed at the same time in the liver changes the effects
Use a asthma inhaler asthma inhalers allow you to breath more easily so you can take bigger hits
Im not sure how true this is but some scientists believe that dietary intake could effect canabanoid receptors they believe it’s a good idea to take Omega 3
If using a bong use crushed ice instead of water it will make the smoke cooler and should decrease canabanoid loss anabantids aren’t water soluble but apparently a small amount is still lost as well as some of the flavour
You can use different temperatures to get different highs with a vaporizer here are some of the boiling points
THC9 157*C
CBD 160-180*C
CBN 185*C
CBC 220*C
THC8 175-185*C
The most cost effective way to inhale Cannabis is through a vaporizer it depends but about 50% of all canabanoids are destroyed when you burn them and depending on the method even more can be wasted by smoke that isn’t being inhaled but with a vaporizer you shouldn’t lose anything instead of burning the plant material it heats it up until it vaporizes then you inhale it almost all of the canabanoids should be inhaled a small amount will coat the inside on the vaporizer and some will still remain in the weed but after the resin builds up from use you can use it and whatever is left in the weed can be used for cooking another factor is that you can decide on what canabanoid you want to use to you feel like a energetic head high set it to the right temperature and your just inhaling THC want couch lock well use weed you have previously removed the THC from and you can get just that they also produce far less smell and you can get portable versions that you can just smoke in public, though they can be pricey you are looking to spend £200 to £300 on a good one from what I have heard volcano vaporizers are the best out there the cheaper ones apparently aren’t worth buying because of a lack of efficiency inability to reach temperatures high enough to vaporize some canabanoids and also poor craftsmanship, another factor is that it filters out some of the stuff you don’t want Cannabis isn’t going to kill you but heavy users can have temporarily lung problems from smoking that can be fixed by switching to a vaporizer
When you smoke or vap breath a bit of the smoke/vaped Weed then without exhaling breath a larger amount of fresh air then hold there are different ideas on how long you should hold some say 3 seconds other 9 I just hold for about 30 seconds its up to you
If you live in England good news its no longer a criminal offence to grow weed as long as your not selling it I think the limit is ether 6 or 9 plants depending on what news story you read the law was passed some time in February 2012 so instead of a criminal record and a prison sentence now no matter how many times you are caught you will just be fined a couple of weeks worth of whatever you earn and have your plants and equipment taken as well as possibly having to do community service so yeah that’s a step in the right direction

Lol you can guess why I chose my user name im quite interested in science including chemistry and Cannabis and the endocannabinoid system fascinates me

So please reply and add your own ideas and comment and tell me how awesome I am etc
updated version
Hi im new to the Cannabis scene i have only smoked 3 times and all of those instances where recently

i have a habit of researching things heavily before i really get into them i guess i got it from playing video games like fallout 3 new Vegas dragons age skyrim etc but anyway here is some info i have learned when it comes to using cannabis most of this is just a modified copy and paste from a Microsoft word document i had been using to compile information for personal use but i decided to share it a very large amount of the info contains information that very few people likely know and I also include some information for newer cannabis users

If you have any other bits of advice then feel free to post them and i might add them

oh and another thing i mention multiple different chemicals that improve a Cannabis high all of them have been proven to effect the high but not all of them have guidelines on how much they effect things and how much you need to consume of it so take some of this with a grain of salt though i should mention aprox guidelines and whether or not there are any with each entry

No one ever accused me of being a good writer I have some learning difficulties including autism so please don’t dismiss everything I say just because of my lack of punctuation

myrcene ingest some lemongrass oil it contains myrcene a chemical that speeds up and increases the delivery of the canabanoids into the brain it also is a chemical that naturally occurs in weed it shortens the time it takes for it to kick in makes you higher and makes the effects last longer its very cheap and someone on a herb forum claimed it can have a calming sedative effect I have been told that one drop is more than enough to get the desired effect and it kicks in after about 45 minutes
You can also get Myrcene from ripe mangos you may have heard someone mentioning that mangos increase a cannabis high and it is true but it contains much less compared to lemongrass oil but still enough to notice the result just blend a ripened mango, shop bought mango juice contains very little Myrcene compared to a ripe mango so if you want to drink mango juice and get the effect from Myrcene then blend it

partial list of plants that contain Myrcene copied from wiki

As mentioned above, many plants contain myrcene, sometimes in very large amounts.
Lemon grass
West Indian Bay Tree
Thyme - The leaves of which contain up to 40% by weight of Myrcene
The way it works is that it allows the canabanoids to pass the blood brain barrier basically your brain normally filters out substances in the blood the reason is that it wants to protect you from things that could do it harm bacteria viruses parasites etc it also to a extent keeps out canabanoids but if you ingest Myrcene it should pass through with little difficulty
Chocolate contains Anandamide a substance almost identical to canabanoids like THC infact it’s a chemical your body actually makes the reason canabanoids like THC effect you is that they are similar enough that they can interact with your bodies natural Anandamide receptors, it also contains N-Oleoylethanolamine and N-Linoleoylethanolamine in a study by a group called Piomelli it was found that Oleoylethanolamine and N-Linoleoylethanolamine delay Anandamide and Canabanoids including THC breakdown when attached to brain receptors slowing down the effects of your brains enzymes the enzymes names are
(fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacyglycerol lipase (MAGL)) so it prolongs the high a note though in lab condition these effects might all be true but they didn’t’t specify how much you need it might mean having to eat 30 chocolate bars to get any effect or just a couple of squares
Although some people say that sugar can speed up the comedown so to balance this out it might be best to eat dark chocolate with a low amount of sugar or use some kind of chocolate powder some types seam to have no sugar in them plus the effects will be more potent with dark chocolate some milk chocolates only contain 2% coco mass vs. up to 88% coco mass in dark chocolate so you might have to eat 44 milk chocolate bars to get the same effect
N-Oleoylethanolamine can also be found in some weight loss pills
P450 enzyme inhibitors your liver has a group of enzymes that break down multiple different types of illegal and prescription drugs this group is called P450 it also breaks down canabanoids this enzyme group mainly effects ingested cannabis rather than smoked, there are a few enzyme inhibitors you can use to combat p450 group warning if your taking any medication be warned these enzymes work to break down the drugs your given and without them the doses will be higher about 60% of all prescription drugs are effects by the p450 group so I suggest you search the wiki page for the respective enzyme and check to see if your medication is included if your unsure ask your doctor on whether its safe to eat/drink grapefruit and or use St John Wart if he doesn’t know then maybe get a second opinion also i will include a link to each enzyme so you can see what drugs it effects though this might not be a complete list
CYP1A2 this enzyme can be effected by
Grapefruit and grapefruit juice (flavanone naringenin)
Star fruit??? (possibly contains CYP1A2 enzyme inhibitor)
grapefruit is the most well know enzyme inhibitor but few know why it effects them just that they feel higher when taking it the chemical in grapefruit that effects CYP1A2 is called naringenin it is the chemical that gives grapefruit its bitterness it can be bought by itself as a health supplement the chemical is found in both the juice the flesh and the peel so if your brave enough you can eat the peel to get even more effect you can get naringenin from ether grapefruit or as a supplement so this is probably your best choice though you could try peppermint chamomile and dandelion teas apparently they work as well
Warning CYP1A2inhibitors as mentioned before effects many legal and illegal drugs including many anti cancer meds so be careful check the wiki page on CYP1A2 enzyme and see what drugs are effected by it if in doubt tell your doctor about the effects grapefruit can have on drugs and ask him if your prescribes drugs can be effected
CYP2C9 this enzyme can be effected by
Amentoflavone (constituent of Ginkgo biloba Hypercium perforatum (St johns Wort)
Chamaecyparis (hinoki)

Star fruit??? (possibly contains CYP2C9 enzyme inhibitor)
your best choice is probably amentoflavone this is found in Ginko biloba
Hypercium perforatum (St johns Wort)
Chamaecyparis (hinoki)
Im not sure what one is best but ST John Wort is probably the easiest to get hold of but Ginko biloba also effects CYP3A4 so it might be the better choice
CYP3A4 this enzyme can be affected by
bergamottin (constituent of grapefruit and grapefruit juice and the plant Bergamot orange)
Star fruit
Milk thistle
Ginko biloba
Hard to say what one is the best choice Ginko biloba also effects CYP2C9 star fruit effects CYP3A4 and likely CYP2C9 and CYP1A2 though its likely tricky to get a hold of and grape fruit as well as containing naringenin also contains Bergamottin so I guess the best choice is just to use ginko biloba and grapefruit to suppress the CYP3A4 enzyme
Christ that took hours to type and research but anyway those 3 enzymes are the main ones there are a few others but I cant find conclusive data suggesting they effect canabanoids so yeah my finding overall I guess is eat or drink grapefruit juice but blend it yourself the chemicals can be damaged from the process of concentrating them and other methods used to increase shelf life so its best to get a grapefruit and blend it up or eat it I have read that white grapefruit contains more of the chemicals needed also if you have the balls eat the peel and also use ginko bilbo or if that’s not a option St Johns Wort also take everything 45 minutes before using Cannabis
Eat a fat filled meal 45 minutes before eating canabanoids infused fat for example canobutter your body produces fat digesting enzymes throughout the day and when you eat a fatty snack 45 minutes before the canobutter (or other Canabanoid infused oils/fats) the enzymes don’t have enough time to build up and break down the fat destroying or damaging the canabanoids in the process
This should not be as much of a requirement if your using short chain fatty acids like saturated fat because your enzymes cant properly break it down and it supposedly travels strait into the blood stream to the liver this is suppost to be why saturated fat is bad for you because it glogs up your arteries with fat.
but even if you are using a type of butter with very high levels of saturated fat there still will likely be normal fat included so this should still be helpful
Cough when inhaling smoke or vapor I have read that if you cough it opens your capillaries and allows smoke in places that it normally doesn't get to whilst others have just said its something to do with a increase of bps and blood pressure and others say you just feel higher because of a lack of oxygen to the brain
Some people say that cigarettes can help other say they hinder I have read no scientific data though but my best idea is that it doesn't increase the weed high rather the head rush from weed and the head rush from nicotine are similar enough that when you smoke both at the same time you get a really big head rush and a sort of happy feeling like you supposedly can get from smoking cigs and that you also get from weed
Use short chain fatty acids like saturated fat there are a few choices coconut oil seams to be a common choice as is some types of cheese the reason it works is that the enzymes in your body that break down fat cant properly break down saturated fat so it sends it of to your liver undamaged through your arteries somehow, this is why saturated fat isn't good for you because it isn't broken down at all and can clog your arteries though in small amounts this shouldn't be a issue whilst if you used long chain acids the absorption rate in cooking would be lower and the enzymes would damage the oil and a good part of the oil would just pass through the intestines another thing to add is that some studies think that short chain fat also absorbs canabanoids better in the cooking process
It depends but Cano-oil and canobutter take on average about 90 minutes to take into effect without any helpers like enzyme inhibitors myrcene
Im not sure on the validity of this but I have read multiple times from different sources though with no scientific backing that sugar exercise and vitamin c bring down a high faster so if you want to be high longer balance the fun from eating sugary munchies vs. losing potency also it could be used to voluntarily help you come down from a high
If a person cooks Cannabis with saturated fat properly they can get 6 times higher on the same amount of weed as smoking and the effects will last between 6 and 12 hours possibly longer so if you can do it cooking is the most cost effective option
Your liver can convert THC Delta 9 to THC Delta 11 a more potent version when Cannabis is consumed
THC evaporates at 140c all other canabanoids reach a temperature where they can quickly blend into the oil/butter at 80c so its best to cook at 100c or maybe 120c when your making cannabis oil/canobutter
Some people have said that you could Hyperventilate that it somehow increases the effects felt from the high im not sure if there is any reason for this other than oxygen deprivation making you feel light headed but feel free to try it put you head between your knees and hypervenalate for 15 to 25 seconds on the last breath hold it tilt head back and close eyes and nose, for health reasons don’t hold for to long
Drink alcohol many people say that if done right they will both increase each others effects but if done wrong they can make you throw up most people recommend that you smoke before you drink or you will throw up although some people can handle taking both simultaneously there is actually a drink called the green dragon that is made from high % alcohol and cannabis combined generally everclear or vodka .
my theory is that it has something to do with the canabanoids and alcohol in your bloodstream canabanoids attach themselves to alcohol so maybe both being processed at the same time in the liver changes the effects I don’t know I will have to look into it
Use a asthma inhaler asthma inhalers allow you to breath more easily partly by opening your capillaries so you can take bigger hits
Im not sure how true this is but some scientists believe that dietary intake could effect canabanoid receptors they believe it’s a good idea to take Omega 3
If using a bong use crushed ice instead of water it will make the smoke cooler and should decrease canabanoid loss canabanoids are water soluble but only barely so a small amount is still lost as well as some of the smell/flavor
You can use different temperatures to get different highs with a vaporizer here are some of the boiling points
THC9 157*C
CBD 160-180*C
CBN 185*C
CBC 220*C
THC8 175-185*C
The most cost effective way to inhale Cannabis is through a vaporizer it depends but about 50% of all canabanoids are destroyed when you burn them and depending on the method even more can be wasted by smoke that isn’t being inhaled but with a vaporizer you shouldn’t lose anything instead of burning the plant material it heats it up until it vaporizes then you inhale it almost all of the canabanoids should be inhaled a small amount will coat the inside on the vaporizer and some will still remain in the weed but after the resin builds up from use you can use it and whatever is left in the weed can be used for cooking another factor is that you can decide on what canabanoid you want to use to if you feel like a energetic head high set it to the right temperature and your just inhaling THC want couch lock well use weed you have previously removed the THC from and you can get just that they also produce far less smell and you can get portable versions that you can smoke in public, though they can be pricey you are looking to spend £200 to £300 on a good one from what I have heard volcano vaporizers are the best out there the cheaper ones apparently aren’t worth buying because of a lack of efficiency inability to reach temperatures high enough to vaporize some canabanoids and also poor craftsmanship, another factor is that it filters out some of the stuff you don’t want Cannabis isn’t going to kill you but heavy users can have temporarily lung problems from smoking that can be fixed by switching to a vaporizer another factor though is that the high can be different because you aren’t inhaling large amounts of Co2 and small amounts of carbon monoxide so you will get less of a couch lock effect than smoking
When you smoke or vap breath a bit of the smoke/vaped Weed then without exhaling breath a larger amount of fresh air then hold there are different ideas on how long you should hold some say 3 seconds other 9 I just hold for about 30 seconds its up to you
If you live in England good news its no longer a criminal offence to grow weed as long as your not selling it I think the limit is ether 6 or 9 plants depending on what news story you read the law was passed some time in February 2012 so instead of a criminal record and a prison sentence now no matter how many times you are caught you will just be fined a couple of weeks worth of whatever you earn and have your plants and equipment taken as well as possibly having to do community service so yeah that’s a step in the right direction
Many people have claimed that you feel more high if you smoke after exercising this could be from a number of things a increase in heart rate increases in happy drugs in the brain, your bodies naturally produced pain killer morphine could be a factor

Lol you can guess why I chose my user name im quite interested in science including chemistry Cannabis and the endocanabanoid system fascinates me

So please reply and add your own ideas and comment and tell me how awesome I am etc

Lot of data there walter. I think it was Elvis who said it best, "A little less conversation, a little more action". If you pick up a mango and eat it, then smoke some cannabis, I think the results of your research will become quite clear. Post your results!
want to get more high, then 3 ways of doing it !, 1 smoke better shit , 2 smoke more of it ! , smoke oils or ear wax . you will be gone, or eat a brownie then smoke for get about it your never going to come back down. be high for 24 hours straight, caution should be taken rookies . only eat a small piece of brownie at first like a 1/4 it takes 45 minits or longer to kick in,
Maybe try smoking and then eating the mango, your experience with that mango will be enhanced. Best way to start with edibles is probably to visit your local dispensary and chat with the budtender. I got a 250mg brownie with high CBD and first try ate half, which kept me at home for quite while, an hour and a half after ingesting it got pretty interesting and stayed that way for about 3 more hours. Got to dial in the dosage to suit your individual needs/wants/goals. The strains are getting a lot of attention regarding their differences in effects. The only way to find out if this is for you is to try it. :bigjoint:
Hi im new to the Cannabis scene i have only smoked 3 times and all of those instances where recently

i have a habit of researching things heavily before i really get into them i guess i got it from playing video games like fallout 3 new Vegas dragons age skyrim etc but anyway here is some info i have learned when it comes to using cannabis most of this is just a modified copy and paste from a Microsoft word document i had been using to compile information for personal use but i decided to share it a very large amount of the info contains information that very few people likely know and I also include some information for newer cannabis users

If you have any other bits of advice then feel free to post them and i might add them

oh and another thing i mention multiple different chemicals that effect a Cannabis high all of them have been proven to effect the high but not all of them have guidelines on how much they effect things and how much you need to consume of it so take some of this with a grain of salt though i should mention aprox guidelines and whether or not there are any with each entry

No one ever accused me of being a good writer I have some learning difficulties including autism so please don’t dismiss everything I say just because of my lack of punctuation

myrcene ingest some lemongrass oil it contains myrcene a chemical that speeds up and increases the delivery of the canabanoids into the blood stream then the brain it also is a chemical that naturally occurs in weed it shortens the time it takes for it to kick in makes you higher and makes the effects last longer its very cheap and it contains oil so this could be used as both the fat part and the myrcene part and some herb forums claimed it can having a calming sedative effect I have been told that one drop is more than enough to get the desired effect and it kicks in after about 45 minutes
You can also get Myrcene from ripe mangos you may have heard someone mentioning that mangos increase a cannabis high and it is true but it contains much less compared to lemongrass oil
The way it works is that it allows the canabanoids to pass the blood brain barrier basically your brain normally is protected from substances in the blood that could do it hard bacteria viruses parasites etc it also to a extent keeps out canabanoids but if you ingest myrcene it should pass through with little difficulty
Chocolate contains Anandamide a substance almost identical to canabanoids like THC, it also contains N-Oleoylethanolamine and N-Linoleoylethanolamine in a study by a group called Piomelli it was found that Oleoylethanolamine and N-Linoleoylethanolamine delay Anandamide and Canabanoids including THC breakdown when attached to brain receptors slowing down the effects of your brains enzymes or in theory stopping them altogether the enzymes names are
(fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacyglycerol lipase (MAGL)) that attempt to flush it from the system so it prolongs the high a note though in lab condition these effects might all be true but they didn’t’t specify how much you need it might mean having to eat 30 chocolate bars to get any effect or just a couple of squares
Although some people say that sugar can speed up the comedown so to balance this out it might be best to eat dark chocolate with a low amount of sugar or use some kind of chocolate powder some types seam to have no sugar in them plus the effects will be more potent with dark chocolate some milk chocolates only contain 2% coco mass vs. up to 88% coco mass in dark chocolate so you might have to eat 44 milk chocolate bars to get the same effect
N-Oleoylethanolamine can also be found in some weight loss pills
P450 enzyme inhibitors your liver has a group on enzymes that break down multiple different types of illegal and prescription drugs this group is called P450 it also breaks down canabanoids this enzyme group mainly effects ingested cannabis rather than smoked, there are a few enzyme inhibitors you can use to combat p450 group warning if your taking any medication be warned these enzymes work to break down the drugs your given and without them the doses will be higher I suggest you search the wiki page for the respective enzyme and check to see if your medication is included if your unsure ask your doctor on whether its safe to eat/drink grapefruit and or use St John Wart if he doesn’t know then maybe get a second opinion
Also there is a lot of filler crap with a lot of info that most people don’t need but if you have access to some of these chemicals or medications and there aren’t any side effects other than the enzyme inhibiting effects then maybe you could use them I thought they where all worth mentioning ether way if you don’t want to read through all that just skip down and I will mention some of the better choices
CYP1A2 this enzyme can be effected by
Ciprofloxacin (fluoroquinolone bactericidal)
Many other fluoroquinolones (broad-spectrum antibiotics)
Fluvoxamine (SSRI antidepressant)
Verapamil (calcium channel blocker)
Cimetidine (H2-receptor antagonist)
Amiodarone (antiarrhythmic agent
Interferon (antiviral, antiseptic, antioncogenic)
Methoxsalen (in psoriasis)
Mibefradil (calcium channel blocker)
Grapefruit and grapefruit juice (flavanone naringenin)
Star fruit??? (possibly contains CYP1A2 enzyme inhibitor)
grapefruit is the most well know enzyme inhibitor but few know why it effects them just that they feel higher when taking it the chemical in grapefruit that effects CYP1A2 is called naringenin it is the chemical that gives grapefruit its bitterness it can be bought by itself as a health supplement the chemical is found in both the juice the flesh and the peel so if your brave enough you can eat the peel to get even more effect naringenin from ether grapefruit or as a supplement is probably your best choice though you could try peppermint chamomile and dandelion teas apparently they work as well
Warning CYP1A2inhibitors as mentioned before effects many legal and illegal drugs including many anti cancer meds so be careful check the wiki page on CYP1A2 enzyme and see what drugs are effected by it if in doubt tell your doctor about the effects grapefruit can have on drugs and ask him if your prescribes drugs can be effected
CYP2C9 this enzyme can be effected by
Fluconazole (antifungal)
Miconazole (antifungal)

Amentoflavone (constiruent of Ginkgo biloba Hypercium perforatum (St johns Wort)
Chamaecyparis (hinoki)

Sulfaphenazole (antibacterial)
Valproic acid (anticonculsant, mood-stabilizing
Amiodarone (ant arrhythmic)
Antihistamines (H1- receptor antagonists)
Fenofibrate (fibrate)
fluvastatin (statin)
Fluvoxamine (SSRI)
Isoniazid (in turberculosis)
Lovastatin (statin)
Phenylbutazone (NSAID)
Probenecid (uricosuric)
Sertraline (SSRI)
Sulfamethozazole (antibiotic)
Teniposide (chemotherapeutic)
Voriconazole (antifungal)
Zafirlukast (leukotriene antagonist)
quercetin (anti inflammatory)
Star fruit??? (possibly contains CYP2C9 enzyme inhibitor)
Wow that took a while anyway your best choice is probably amentoflavone this is found in Ginkgo biloba
Hypercium perforatum (St johns Wort)
Chamaecyparis (hinoki)
Im not sure what one is best but ST John Wort is probably the easiest to get hold of but ginko biloba also effects CYP3A4 so it might be the better choice
CYP3A4 this enzyme can be affected by
Protesase inhibitors
Some macrolide antibiotics
Chloramphenicol (antibiotic)
Some azole antifungals
Nefazodone (antidepressant)
Aprepitant (antiemetric)
Some calcium channel blockers
Some macrolide antibiotics
Some azole antifungals
bergamottin (constituent of grapefruit and grapefruit juice and the plant Bergamot orange)
Cimetidine (H2-receptor antagonist
Buprenophine (analgesic)
Cafestol (in unfiltered coffee)
Amiodarone (antiarrhythmic)
Ciprofloxacin (antibiotic)
Dithiocarbamate (functional group)
Voriconazole (antifungal)
Imatinib (anticancer)
Mifepristone (abortifacient)
Norfloxacin (antibiotic)
Some non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Gestating (hormonal contraceptive)
Mibefradil (in angina pectoris)
Star fruit
Milk thistle
Ginko biloba
Quercetin- Quercetin has been shown to act as an initial inhibitor and subsequent inducer
Hard to say what one is the best choice ginko biloba also effects CYP2C9 star fruit effects CYP3A4 and likely CYP2C9 and CYP1A2 though its likely tricky to get a hold of and grape fruit as well as containing naringenin also contains Bergamottin so I guess the best choice is just to use ginko biloba and grapefruit to suppress the CYP3A4 enzyme
Christ that took hours to type and research but anyway those 3 enzymes are the main ones there are a few others but I cant find conclusive data suggesting they effect canabanoids so yeah my finding overall I guess is drink grapefruit juice but blend it yourself the chemicals can be damaged from the process of concentrating them and other methods used to increase shelf life so its best to get a grapefruit and blend it up I have read that white grapefruit contains more of the chemicals needed also if you have the balls eat the peel and also use ginko bilbo or if that’s not a option St Johns Wort also take everything 45 minutes before using Cannabis
Eat a fat filled meal 45 minutes before eating canabanoids infused fat for example canobutter your body produces fat digesting enzymes throughout the day and when you eat a fatty snack 45 minutes before the canobutter (or other canabanoid infused oils/fats) the enzymes don’t have enough time to build up and break down the fat destroying or damaging the canabanoids in the process
This should not be as much of a requirement if your using short chain fatty acids like saturated fat because your enzymes cant properly break it down and it supposedly travels strait into the blood stream to the liver this is suppost to be why saturated fat is bad for you because it glogs up your arteries with fat.
but even if you are using a type of butter with very high levels of saturated fat there still will likely be normal fat included so this should still be helpful
Cough when inhaling smoke or vapour I have read that if you cough it opens your capillaries and allows smoke in places that it normally doesn’t’t get to and many other people have also said similar things whilst others have just said its something to do with a increase of bps and blood pressure and others say you just feel higher because of a lack of oxygen to the brain
Some people say that cigarettes can help other say they hinder I have read no scientific data though but my best idea is that it doesn’t’t increase the weed high rather the head rush from weed and the head rush from nicotine are similar enough that when you smoke both at the same time you get a really big head rush and a sort of happy feeling like you supposedly can get from smoking cigs and that you also get from the weed combining
Use short chain fatty acids like saturated fat there are a few choices coconut oil seams to be a common choice as is some types of cheese the reason it works is that your bile I.e stomach acid cant properly break it down so it sends it of to your liver undamaged through your arteries somehow, this is why saturated fat isn’t good for you because it isn’t broken down at all and can clog your arteries though in small amounts this shouldn’t’t be a issue whilst if you used long chain acids the absorption rate in cooking would be lower and the stomach acids would damage the oil and a good part of the oil would just pass through the intestines another thing to add is that some studies think that short chain fat also absorbs canoboids better in the cooking process
It depends but Cano-oil and canobutter take on average about 90 minutes to take into effect without any helpers like enzyme inhibitors myrcene
Im not sure on the validity of this but I have read multiple times from different sources though with no scientific backing that sugar exercise and vitamin c bring down a high faster so if you want to be high longer balance the fun from eating sugary munchies vs. losing potency also it could be used to voluntarily help you come down from a high
If a person cooks Cannabis with saturated fat properly they can get 6 times higher on the same amount of weed as smoking and the effects will last between 6 and 12 hours possibly longer so if you can do it cooking is the most cost effective option
Your liver can convert THC Delta 9 to THC Delta 11 when Cannabis is consumed
THC evaporates at 140c all other canabanoids reach a temperature where they can blend into the oil/butter at 80c so its best to cook at 100c or maybe 120c when your making cannabis oil/canobutter
Some people have said that you could Hyperventilate that it somehow increases the effects felt from the high im not sure if there is any reason for this other than oxygen deprivation making you feel light headed but feel free to try it put you head between your knees and hypervenalate for 15 to 25 seconds on the last breath hold it tilt head back and close eyes and nose, for health reasons don’t hold for to long
Drink alcohol many people say that if done right they will both increase each others effects but if done wrong they can make you throw up most people recommend that you smoke before you drink or you will throw up although some people can handle taking both simultaneously there is actually a drink called the green dragon that is made form high % alcohol and cannabis combined generally ever clear or vodka .
my theory is that it has something to do with the canabanoids and alcohol in your bloodstream cananoids attach themselves to alcohol so maybe both being processed at the same time in the liver changes the effects
Use a asthma inhaler asthma inhalers allow you to breath more easily so you can take bigger hits
Im not sure how true this is but some scientists believe that dietary intake could effect canabanoid receptors they believe it’s a good idea to take Omega 3
If using a bong use crushed ice instead of water it will make the smoke cooler and should decrease canabanoid loss anabantids aren’t water soluble but apparently a small amount is still lost as well as some of the flavour
You can use different temperatures to get different highs with a vaporizer here are some of the boiling points
THC9 157*C
CBD 160-180*C
CBN 185*C
CBC 220*C
THC8 175-185*C
The most cost effective way to inhale Cannabis is through a vaporizer it depends but about 50% of all canabanoids are destroyed when you burn them and depending on the method even more can be wasted by smoke that isn’t being inhaled but with a vaporizer you shouldn’t lose anything instead of burning the plant material it heats it up until it vaporizes then you inhale it almost all of the canabanoids should be inhaled a small amount will coat the inside on the vaporizer and some will still remain in the weed but after the resin builds up from use you can use it and whatever is left in the weed can be used for cooking another factor is that you can decide on what canabanoid you want to use to you feel like a energetic head high set it to the right temperature and your just inhaling THC want couch lock well use weed you have previously removed the THC from and you can get just that they also produce far less smell and you can get portable versions that you can just smoke in public, though they can be pricey you are looking to spend £200 to £300 on a good one from what I have heard volcano vaporizers are the best out there the cheaper ones apparently aren’t worth buying because of a lack of efficiency inability to reach temperatures high enough to vaporize some canabanoids and also poor craftsmanship, another factor is that it filters out some of the stuff you don’t want Cannabis isn’t going to kill you but heavy users can have temporarily lung problems from smoking that can be fixed by switching to a vaporizer
When you smoke or vap breath a bit of the smoke/vaped Weed then without exhaling breath a larger amount of fresh air then hold there are different ideas on how long you should hold some say 3 seconds other 9 I just hold for about 30 seconds its up to you
If you live in England good news its no longer a criminal offence to grow weed as long as your not selling it I think the limit is ether 6 or 9 plants depending on what news story you read the law was passed some time in February 2012 so instead of a criminal record and a prison sentence now no matter how many times you are caught you will just be fined a couple of weeks worth of whatever you earn and have your plants and equipment taken as well as possibly having to do community service so yeah that’s a step in the right direction

Lol you can guess why I chose my user name im quite interested in science including chemistry and Cannabis and the endocannabinoid system fascinates me

So please reply and add your own ideas and comment and tell me how awesome I am etc

is there a cliff notes version?