Screw Amsterdam Im Going to Ghana


Well-Known Member
Its surprising how many people do not know about a little country in west Africa called Ghana. It is said that the best herb in West Africa comes from Ghana. If you know anything about African Weed, you know that this is a statement and a half. Not only is weed amazing, easy to get, it is also cheap, an ounce should not cost someone more then $4. You can buy a kilo for $25 dollars. Weed can easily be acquired by asking a taxi driver or someone in a hotel.

When it comes to the police, they could care less as long as you are not making a big deal out of it a truly great smoking environment. Especially if you travel to the beach and smoke your brains out while munching on some plantains and drinking a nice cold soda (made with real sugar). It should also be mentioned that Ghana is one of the safest places to travel to in Africa. I bet its safer to travel there then some places in the US.

I am not saying that Amersterdam is a bad place to travel to, I just think it is a bit over rated when it comes to weed. I can find enough herb around me, and if I am going to travel just to smoke I want to go someplace warm and with really good cheap weed.

I am going to try to take a trip with a few of my friends, it also helps that I have plenty of relatives there, since my entire family is from there. Which makes staying there even cheaper. What are some other places that you guys travel to that has bomb cheap herb, and a great place to be in general?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Thanks for that bit of information..ill definatly add that to places i have to go

Btw, soda made with REAL sugar is so much better than the shit we got here
Whenever i can i try to buy coke thats made in Mexico


Well-Known Member
its probably the last thing in dontexist's to do list too, thats why he wanna go there to smoke weed, not get arrested..


Well-Known Member
its probably the last thing in dontexist's to do list too, thats why he wanna go there to smoke weed, not get arrested..
Maybe we should do some research than:

"On the front page of Ghana’s leading entertainment newspaper, the Graphic Showbiz, reads the cover story, Musicians face 10 year jail term if they promote drugs. The article starts by explaining that “neatly tucked among the law books is PNDCL 236 Narcotic Drug Law, 1990, which says that no person should…undertake any activity for the purpose of establishing or promoting any enterprise relating to narcotic drugs.” In total disregard for the higher overstanding that has come from years of research, distinguishing the marijuana plant from narcotic drugs, Ghana’s lawmakers went on to emphasize their point by stating that “….unlike some countries where musicians such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh promoted marijuana in their songs and have gone scot-free, Ghana has a law which prohibits the promotion of narcotic drugs.” Furthermore, punishment for 'promoting' herb attracts the same judgment as one will receive if caught with an ounce of herb or even a spliff, 10 years!"

"Never become involved with drugs of any kind in Ghana. Drugs are a growing problem in Ghana and the authorities are determined to tackle and control the problem. Penalties for drugs related offences (including class C drugs) are severe including a "no bail" restriction on anyone implicated in any drug related offences. Even possession of small amounts of marijuana can lead to a prison sentence in excess of 5 years, usually after a lengthy and expensive legal process."


Well-Known Member
Im sorry but I have spent a lot of time in W.Africa ( my mother lived in Nigeria, Ivory coast and Benin) and can conclusively say that the weed over their is schwagg. On the whole it is cut and dried on the ground in stupid temperatures turned once and full of seeds. The police are corrupt and will take any chance they get to receive a bribe, including weed smoking. I notice you say you have family theie which is why you have such a positive feel for the place, as a caucasian westerner it is not the same. My mum had 4 bodyguards all the time she was in Nigeria and the Cote'd'ivoire due to the high chance of being robbed, or taken hostage. Amsterdam is far safer!!!


Well-Known Member
Spending time in an African prison is the last thing on my to-do list.
Its pretty much impossible to get arrested for smoking herb there. I bet you you will go to prison in the US for weed before you go to prison in Ghana.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry but I have spent a lot of time in W.Africa ( my mother lived in Nigeria, Ivory coast and Benin) and can conclusively say that the weed over their is schwagg. On the whole it is cut and dried on the ground in stupid temperatures turned once and full of seeds. The police are corrupt and will take any chance they get to receive a bribe, including weed smoking. I notice you say you have family theie which is why you have such a positive feel for the place, as a caucasian westerner it is not the same. My mum had 4 bodyguards all the time she was in Nigeria and the Cote'd'ivoire due to the high chance of being robbed, or taken hostage. Amsterdam is far safer!!!
Nigeria and Ghana are two different places. The weed is much better in Ghana and the people are nicer. I hate it when people put all of Africa into one category. I have never heard of someone being taken hostage in Ghana, and have plenty of family members that actually live there.


Well-Known Member
only because they dont want you to go, they want you to pay!!! c'mon get real, West Africa is nothing more than organised chaos with more corruption than Russia...FACT!


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should do some research than:

"On the front page of Ghana’s leading entertainment newspaper, the Graphic Showbiz, reads the cover story, Musicians face 10 year jail term if they promote drugs. The article starts by explaining that “neatly tucked among the law books is PNDCL 236 Narcotic Drug Law, 1990, which says that no person should…undertake any activity for the purpose of establishing or promoting any enterprise relating to narcotic drugs.” In total disregard for the higher overstanding that has come from years of research, distinguishing the marijuana plant from narcotic drugs, Ghana’s lawmakers went on to emphasize their point by stating that “….unlike some countries where musicians such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh promoted marijuana in their songs and have gone scot-free, Ghana has a law which prohibits the promotion of narcotic drugs.” Furthermore, punishment for 'promoting' herb attracts the same judgment as one will receive if caught with an ounce of herb or even a spliff, 10 years!"

"Never become involved with drugs of any kind in Ghana. Drugs are a growing problem in Ghana and the authorities are determined to tackle and control the problem. Penalties for drugs related offences (including class C drugs) are severe including a "no bail" restriction on anyone implicated in any drug related offences. Even possession of small amounts of marijuana can lead to a prison sentence in excess of 5 years, usually after a lengthy and expensive legal process."
I have family that lives there and will tell you other wise. Ghana's laws and what the police actually do are two different things.


Well-Known Member
Nigeria and Ghana are two different places. The weed is much better in Ghana and the people are nicer. I hate it when people put all of Africa into one category. I have never heard of someone being taken hostage in Ghana, and have plenty of family members that actually live there.
You misunderstood me, I have travelled through West africa because my mother lived in several W.African countries so I was able to. You dont here about hostage taking because of the corruption, it happens a lot maybe Ghana is different to the rest. I was over there in the early nineties when Upper volta still existed, were you born then? If not you wont know what im on about.


Well-Known Member
only because they dont want you to go, they want you to pay!!! c'mon get real, West Africa is nothing more than organised chaos with more corruption than Russia...FACT!
I do not understand this statement. Ghana is one of the most peaceful nations in the Africa. They just had a peaceful election to bring in a new government. Really stop trying to lump all of W. Africa together, its insulting.


stays relevant.
I can walk down the street here in California smoking and wont even get a citation from the police... I hate it when people put all of the US into the same category :roll: :lol:


Well-Known Member
You misunderstood me, I have travelled through West africa because my mother lived in several W.African countries so I was able to. You dont here about hostage taking because of the corruption, it happens a lot maybe Ghana is different to the rest. I was over there in the early nineties when Upper volta still existed, were you born then? If not you wont know what im on about.
Oh I understand that 95% of W. Africa is nothing but highly corrupt assholes. But I am talking about a place that is unlike the rest, Ghana is actually considered a stable democracy in terms of the transfer in power. Sure there is corruption, but Ghana is just as safe as Jamaica, some say safer. My whole family is Ghanaian, there would never tell me not to go there. My aunt lives there and visited and told me to come down there to relax. All I am doing is trying to inform people about a nice place to travel to.


Well-Known Member
not interested in pot smoking hey?
Juaso (Ash), Oct 25, GNA - The Juaso Circuit Court, presided over by Mr. Jacob Boon, has remanded a 35-year-old unemployed, Osei Assibey, alias Kofi Sammy, into prison custody for allegedly possessing narcotic drugs.

His plea was not taken and he will re-appear in court on October 8. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Francis Baah, told the court that on October 5, this year, a police patrol team spotted the accused and others smoking some stuff suspected to be Indian hemp. He said on seeing the police, they bolted but Assibey was arrested with 82 pieces of wrapped dried leaves suspected to be Indian Hemp, a pair of scissors and two match boxes concealed in a polythene he was holding.

The exhibits have been sent for examination, the court heard.


Well-Known Member
Safe as Jamaica, shit thats really safe then lol, Jamiaca has one of the highest murder rates anywhere...Anyhow I originally posted to dipel your myth about the weed, its shit...African bush is the Uk name for it and its really poor due to the drying methods. Oh yes Birdseed is the other name as you normally get 200 seeds per 1/8th! Chill pill required, im not saying Ghana is the same as Nigeria....


Well-Known Member
I can walk down the street here in California smoking and wont even get a citation from the police... I hate it when people put all of the US into the same category :roll: :lol:
It kinda is true that most cops in the US in general would bust my ass for just having a joint. Ghana they could care a lot less, as long as you are cool and not bothering people about it. Africa is a continent made up of different Governments, the US on the other hand is a Nation. Not all African nations are full of asshole dictators.


Well-Known Member
Safe as Jamaica, shit thats really safe then lol, Jamiaca has one of the highest murder rates anywhere...Anyhow I originally posted to dipel your myth about the weed, its shit...African bush is the Uk name for it and its really poor due to the drying methods. Oh yes Birdseed is the other name as you normally get 200 seeds per 1/8th! Chill pill required, im not saying Ghana is the same as Nigeria....
Weed is different in many places, just because the weed that is smuggled to the UK is shit does not mean the weed that was originally there is shit, I know people that will tell you other wise. A lot of the weed in Ghana especially near the capital is grown by old Rastas, who really know there shit.. Many of the strains which people say today as the best came from places such as Africa.