I strongly suggest you read this:
And this:
These should aid you in feeling safer about trying Medical Marijuana.
Now then you ask what strains? Read this - - - - -
[h=1]Best marijuana strain for anxiety?[/h]
by Nebula Haze
What is the best medical marijuana strain for anxiety? Some strains I've tried in the past seem to help, while others make it worse. Are there any strains I should avoid?
When looking for anti-anxiety medical marijuana, the
growing and
preparation methods are
almost as important as the strain. That's why it's so helpful to grow your own buds when using medical marijuana to relieve symptoms of anxiety.
Growing your own buds
also allows you to choose the exact strains that work best for you.
When using medical marijuana to help relieve anxiety, a good general guideline is to
choose strains with lower levels of THC and higher levels of CBD.
There are also many strains that
don't follow these guidelines, yet seem to still be great for relieving anxiety.
In these cases, there are probably other cannabinoids at work which haven't been studied yet. There are hundreds of cannabinoids present in the various strains of medical marijuana, and we have only studied a small handful of them so far.
Strains For Anti-Anxiety: General Guidelines
- Lower levels THC
- Higher levels CBD
- Opt for proven anti-anxiety strains if you can
- Whenever first trying new buds (even a strain you've tested before), only use a little at first, and listen to your body's reaction before you medicate fully
Growing Tactics For Anti-Anxiety Buds (helps improve anti-anxiety effects of any strain)
These tactics may improve the anti-anxiety effects of medical marijuana that you grow:
Choose to grow a high-CBD strain (learn more about CBD at ProjectCBD.org), a suggested strain from below, or a strain that has produced anti-anxiety effects for you in the past
- Harvest buds later (after some THC has turned into CBN)
- Dry and cure buds properly
- Allow buds to cure for 1-2+ months before smoking. Curing buds for longer seems to increase anti-anxiety effects for many people
- Test a small amount of any new buds before medicating fully
I have compiled a list of strains below which may be helpful in relieving anxiety. Though these strains are not
necessarily high in CBD, there have been many reports that these strains have helped relieve anxiety for some patients.
Anti-anxiety strains to try:
- High-THC strains (though some high-THC strains are surprisingly effective at reducing anxiety for some, these strains can be overwheming for others)
- Buds that show any signs of mold (smelly buds, brown or black mushy sections, white fuzzy fur, etc)
- Buds which were harvested early
- Buds which have not been properly dried (especially if buds seem moist)
- Buds which were not cured for long enough (if buds smell like fresh cut grass, that means it was not cured properly)
- Strains that have given you an anxiety reaction in the past
- Strong or untested edibles
- Putting yourself in an unfamiliar situation while medicating with marijuana
One of the best things you can do to relieve anxiety is
get your body moving. Something as easy as a leisurely stroll is still better than staying at home sitting on your couch. Even a little bit of excercise can make a huge difference, as your body released endorphins which can have very strong anti-anxiety effects.
CBD For Anti-Anxiety
CBD (Cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid that is found in many strains of cannabis and hemp. CBD has many possible medical benefits, yet doesn't leave people feeling "impaired" or "stoned." It also seems to reduce some of the effects of THC.
Learn more about controlling CBD levels when growing medical marijuana:
How Do THC, CBN, and CBD Relate to Marijuana Potency?
Learn more about CBD at the Project CBD website:
"Scientific and clinical studies indicate that
CBD could be effective in easing symptoms of a wide range of difficult-to-control conditions, including: rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, PTSD, epilepsy, antibiotic-resistant infections and neurological disorders. CBD has demonstrated
neuroprotective effects, and its
anti-cancer potential is currently being explored at several academic research centers in the U.S. and other countries."
Project CBD website
List of Marijuana Strains with Higher CBD (from Project CBD):
- Sour Tsunami
- Harlequin
- Omrita Rx3
- Jamaican Lion
- Cannatonic
- Pennywise
- Juanita la Lagrimosa
- Misty
- Good Medicine
- Maz's Cheese
- TB x OGK
- OG Afghani
- Jamaican Skunk
- Atomic Jam
- Downtown Diesel
- Cotton Candy x Diesel
- Sugaree x Blue Diesel
- SFV (San Fernando Valley)
- R-4
- CBD Shark Shock
- Bubblegum Kush
- Intensive Care OG Kush
- Kushage
- Soma A+
- Stinky Purple
- Poison OG
- Granny Durkel
- Wu#1
- Phenom Phen
- Purple Diesel
- Silver Dragon
- Monkey Balls
- F5 Manawell
- Sweet SF x OG
- Black Queen
copied by permission in posting this link:
Hope this helps you out sir!