screw you rippers


Well-Known Member
This thread is for anyone who has ever been ripped off....
I am reminded of this by my neighbour who was just asking if I had seen anyone around their backyard today...
which I had not... and yes they got ripped off completely in broad daylight....
I have had close calls and had to chase intruders away in the past...and had a couple of branches taken...
but you still feel violated....
Can't these people just leave others stuff alone.....
This year my wife and I decided on 24 hour live surveillance and she has the day shift and I the night...
this encompassed with 2 anatolian shepard /husky guard dogs and 8 video cams...
It should not take this much to guard your meds....
so a big FUCK YOU to any rippers out there ...may charma come back to haunt you

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
If I saw someones cannabis growing somewhere I'd simply look with interest and leave it alone.
I've been stolen from so many times in the past that thieves are a personal enemy of mine big time. You rip me and I fuck you to my fullest extent. I live by the honesty motto. You can't say shit about being ripped off if your thief/steal yourself.


Well-Known Member
Theives of all kind are terrible!

I have to say though, some people are really dumb with their grows. There's a house by a community mailbox here with plants growing in the backyard. Not only can you smell them from the mailbox you can see them plain as day. I'm honestly surprised they've not been ripped my one of the teens that walk by regularly.


Well-Known Member
Shot why don't the punks just knock on the d
If I saw someones cannabis growing somewhere I'd simply look with interest and leave it alone.
I've been stolen from so many times in the past that thieves are a personal enemy of mine big time. You rip me and I fuck you to my fullest extent. I live by the honesty motto. You can't say shit about being ripped off if your thief/steal yourself.
Would it be weird to go up and knock on the door. "Yall need help with harvest" "will work for weed!"


Well-Known Member
Had my first case of this yesterday at some point during the day while I was at work.
3 out door plants taken and greenhouse door smashed. (wernt even decent yet since its only been out for a week with growing season just starting here)
(4 weeks veg in doors from seed)

Also some other damage on the propriety.
Bottom of garage door kicked in but they didnt get in there,
Security light smashed off garage. (Makes me think they going to try again at night to get in garage at some point so im on high alert for that)
4 Tomato plants smashed against the ground.
Big 180KG chopping block for firewood pushed off deck onto lawn (Really annoying since took 4 people to carry it up onto the deck)