Scrog advice needed


Well-Known Member
So I'm working on my first indoor grow scrogin 2 plants in a 4x4x6 tent. I just built my screen and placed it about 10-12 inches above my soil line leaves me roughly 3-3 1/2 ft of grow space above my net and below my light my main question is should I veg till i fill my net and flip or fill 50-75% flip an finish filling during the stretch strains an indica leaning hybrid from seed first time running it no clue as to how much it will stretch


I would suggest vegging until you reach half or a little less of the total height you want your plant to be. Try to check the plant every day to adjust the branches. Hope it helps!


Well-Known Member
Indica strains tend to not stretch as much. U built the scrog pretty low. Fill it out so that your 4x4 space is filled with tops completely. Remember youre trying to maximize your biomass within a short vertical space so the scrog is there to help you even the growth.

I would have to know the size of your pots and current plant size to even give you a ballpark, but once you fill the whole scrog with tops youre probably good to go. I always tend to veg longer because the result is usualky a higher yield and in this case you just gotta keep compressing the growth under the net until the horizontal space is filled and you think the plants can sustain dense growth. Then flip.