SCROG Advice Needed

T.C. Bosby

Well-Known Member
I'm in the process of setting up my tent (5x5) for a scrog. Going to buy the parts this week to make my screen.

Here's my question/concern: I'm confident that I can properly train the plants along the perimeter of the grow. My concern is for the plants in the middle. Any pointers from those who have done larger scrogs before on how to safely train plants that are hard to reach?

Maybe allow the plants on the side to grow taller than the ones in the middle to create a bowl or stadium effect. Definitely dont back your tent in a corner as mypassion stated.
5x5 is about the biggest you can easily be able to only open up the frontand be able to reach the back corners in a scrog. Best suggestion would be to go on the larger side of holes in your scrog, so you can reach with your hand over top , and tuck your plants down being able to fit your hand through the screen. 3x3" square pattern will allow your hand to pass through diagonally " \ " but still give plenty of support strings to hold the growth down