scrog expirimental wanted


hello.i decide t do my first grow with the scrog method.i split 120litrel of soil in three pots and place them in my closet 2fx3fx6f.i chose cfl 250w white/blue for veging them.and here we are before 51days ago 3 girls see the light(cheemdog/2xwhite rinho).i top them 2 of them 4-5 note and after a while i place the screen.TODAY i mean 51 days after birth i allmost feed whole the canopy and many tops and bud sides are on the way question is wen excacly i have t turn light cycle to 12-12 i mean the branches wich is on he stems is not t big yet its like 2-3 inch tall.should i swich light cycle or i have t w8 for those branches grow a bit more.the *problem* is that i dont have many place to keep veging.i m sure that i do many mistakes ill now but my girls are healthy and happy.fotos not avil at the momment but soon i will add some to see what i m tallking about.thank you and peace.(btw any1 use connoiseur so far i will add it like base nut at flowerin time)