ScrOG / growing questions

I'm gettin ready to tackle my first grow and wanted some correction if needed, or just some ideas.

Here's what I have:

- One 1000w HPS light with ur run of the mill reflector
- 30 Califonia Skunk seeds (the cheapest ones from
- a make shift ebb and flow hydro unit using a storage container from walmart as the reservoir.
A 100 gph pump.
An air pump with 2 bubble stone to oxygenate the res.
And, the necessary lines and tubes to connect the res to the tray.

What I need:

- Good Nutes!! The nutrient discussion is so circumstantial and differs from one opinion to the next that I
Think I might just go with GH nutes and use the lucas formula? but please share your thoughts
- pH up, down and monitoring equiptment
- A Screen

My whole idea is taking into consideration some seeds wont germ, and some will be males so I wanna start 12 seeds.
I want to sprout them in rockwool cubes and after 2 weeks of growth in 40% or better humidity, start feeding nutes.
When the plants have reached say about 2 ft or so, I want to "bag" a branch of all the plants on a 12/12 cycle.

The reason is because I want to induce an early flower so I can sex the plants and take out the males at which point
I want to install a screen and ScrOG the system. The screen I would use i'm thinkin i want to be about 6ft by 6ft with
the ends being bent so I can stay within the prescribed 5x5 coverage for my light, but still getting the benefit of having
that extra space of 6x6. Kinda like this....?

Once i get it set up and the males removed, I'd veg for a couple more weeks and train the plants into the ScrOG until
the screen is about 60% full, then induce flowering.

Gererally speaking...
- sprout in rockwool and after 2 weeks of growth start the lucas formula with GH nutes. Sex the plants at 2 ft tall, rid the
males and train the females. Flower, harvest.
- res temp should be 65 degree's with room temp at 70-75 degrees.
- pH should be 5.8 - 6.5

Do I really need to worry about ppm if I change the res every two weeks?
Do I really need to worry about CO2? I dont have the dough for buying that set up just yet... ;(
In regard to air exchange... I dont have anything set up with fans or intakes and all that, will simple ambient air with an
air purifier and oscilating fans do the trick?
With the exception of the base GH nutes... should I get an additive?
Am I forgetting anything?

I know this is big thinking for a first time grower, but with the right info i'm sure i can tackle it! Thanks a lot for your
help and I'll be sure to post pics along the way!!