Scrog? Lst? Top? Little bit of all options???


Well-Known Member
Hey! Tips please! I have five black widows going now they are around 2 weeks out of ground. When I move them to flower ill have them under a 600 watt hps in a 4x4 room. How would you recommend I attack? I topped a plant for the first time last grow and was blown away at the top canopy of that plant. I kinda wanna top all five and Scrog them. How aggressively do you guys Scrog? I had one grow where I think I may of over tucked. Go tuck crazy or just tuck when needed? Pics below



New Member
I would top them when they grow to about the 4th nodes. See how they handle the stress let them recover then top again. Work those branches pinch and role to help train for a good Scrog. I personally top my girls at the 4th do some Lst then I role my branches every other day to help build strong thicker branches. I don’t believe you could over tuck just don’t snap no branches while tucking and bending.


Active Member
How long of a veg period do you intend? With Multiple tops a fims you may need to go longer before switching to 12/12. Just my experience.