Scrog pc case help

Madden NFL

Active Member
So. My Dresser stealth thing didn't work out as planned gets to hot ( We've been getting really hot temps this week) 91+ but at night it stays cool 85..but even that stresses it, And also the light BLEEPS ME off its just alot more work with the thing because i need it to be stealth and light just keeps seeping through i fix one light leak then another..lala. So i wanna move on to scrog. I was gonna shut the dresser thing down completely now ima try this. So is it a waste? I just really want some bud. Fits about 2 plants ima have some good lighting. about 90+watts :?::?::?:


New Member
Try to get a big case like a server case and it will work great. Smaller cases will work too but you got less room to work with


I dont think its a waste, a little planning out and a few dollars can land you some nice buds comming out of a stealthy pc grow box. Just as long as you dont over crowd the box, i wouldnt recomend more than 2 plants at a time...

i agree with nusky, find the biggest case you can an make sure you use CFLs to keep the heat down. If you really want it to look the part you can add a few dummy LEDs on the front of the case to make it look like the tower is on. have a intake fan at the back/bottom of the box and another exhaust fan higher up to keep the heat down, if the box is still getting hot you can always do the yeast realising co2 trick to help the plant cope with the heat.

Good luck