SCROG training question


Okay, so I am growing a single jack herrer plant under a scrog in a growbox. This is my first grow and im about a month in and just switched over to 12/12 yesterday. The main plant stalk has grown up thru the screen about 2 inches with maybe 2 leaf sets coming off, the remainder of the branching has been kept under the scrog. My question is, do I actually pull the main stalk under the screen and up thru another hole, or do i just keep the branches off the main stem under the screen?
pull the whole thing thru but be careful they are pretty bendy put they do have their limit.

I also dont pull it thru another hole I just pull the top and branches thru another hole and then lay it flat against the topp of the screen and it will have to work to get turned towards the light. more work=bigger plant


alright sounds good! one other question. with a scrog where will the bud sites appear? will they be on the main stem, the top, or the main branches? or all of the above? and when it says remove leaves if they are blocking light from a bud site does what exactly does that mean? i pictured all of my bud sites being against the screen so i dont understand what would be in the way of light reaching it. do any bud sites form in the undergrowth? and is there and advantage/ disadvantage in clearing out the growth thats not going to reach the screen?
ok, i probably shouldnt post having never grown before but i have done my research concerning the ScRoG as its what im gonna try when i do... eventually grow, so il try my best. Budsites will appear at the internodes (where branch meets branch or branch meets stem if you know what i mean) and because you are training your plant under the screen there will be a lot more budsites as the light is hitting internodes that wouldnt normally receive much light. As for removing leaves id say if a branch had grown through the screen with a fan leaf on and said fan leaf was above a budsite it should be removed. All undergrowth should be trimmed after (i think) 1-2 weeks of flowering as this is when you can decide what is not gonna make it to full maturity. Doing this will help the plant direct all its energy in to producing big fat buds above your screen and not leaves and shitty small buds underneath. i hope this helped and good luck!


okay that makes a lot more sense now. so you're saying after 1-2 weeks into flowering, most of the lower branches will not get preflowers, thus you can tell that they will not produce buds, so they can be removed. is this correct? so in a week i should start looking at the internodes for signs of flowers?
yes i believe so, i hope what im saying is correct... preflowers will appear but will not receive enough light to become a nice juicy bud because of the canopy above. 1-2 is a general time but basically when the screen is full trim away. im hopin a scrog expert will come along and confirm this lol.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Just a Thought: If the main branch looks like it's going to be way taller than the rest of the side branching, bend it under the screen and let it grow sideways for a while,,,then pop it up through an opening. The idea of the screen is to get all of the tops at about the same height.