scrog vegging question

when i eventually get set up im going to be using the scrog method but i was just wondering, is it important to veg for a long time when scroging?


Well-Known Member
a larger veg period is better so you can fill the complete screen but you can still train into the screen for about the first week or two of flower. so i would switch to 12/12 once 75% off the screen is full


Well-Known Member
It all boils down to growth rate. if your plants are growing crazy fast, then you need to flip them to 12/12 sooner then if they were growing slowly. So far for me, in my hydro scrogs, i can flip at about 75% full, and they'll end up being full and sexy. But my soil scrogs, i tend to let them fill in almost all the way before i flip. But, you need to really know your strain as well. Generally, the more sativa your girls, the sooner you gotta flip also, as they usually stretch more then indica dom strains. Hope that helps
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