scwascwa's new CFL flowering (journal)


Well-Known Member
ok guys like im sure we all are im addicted to growing lol so i started another one today

6.. 27 W daylight spectrum CFLs

scotts organic potting soil

big bloom tiger bloom nutes

12/12 lighting start on October 17 2009

topped twice came out with 5 or 6 tops

LST training all the way through

3 1/2 weeks of veggin under 24/0 lighting


Well-Known Member
Wish somebody would post pics of a plant when it is starting to flower. Is it good or bad to pinch some big leafs once in a while?


Well-Known Member
this is first day of flowering lol and no do not pinch off any leaves ..

ran into problem already :(

my fans that i got ( 12v dc) are not cooling off the box now that i got an extra 3 lights i opened it up and a rush of heat hit me in the face so i gotta go to the store today get some 24 v fans i believe .. yall think that would work good???


Well-Known Member
That should work. Lol I just got a little 6" fan and duct taped some ventilation hose on there and ran it in my tent, seems to be workin(if your trying to move more air). Do you have an intake, and an exhaust?


Well-Known Member
yes i have intake and exhaust 12v intake 12 v exhaust used to only have 3 cfls now i have 6 and i can tell a big difference in heat in there ... think since winters almost here i might just put the grow box in my garage so that the intake will be taking in cold air :)


Well-Known Member
Just got a jug of Tiger Bloom from Fox Farm. It says to add1/2 cup per gal for first feeding. Is this correct?


Well-Known Member
its correct to them.... only do 1/4 strength for first week ... then do half for a week ... then go full strength.. is what everyone says...

i personally do 1/3 strength .. for like a week then go full strength


Well-Known Member
well this is day 6 or 7 not sure but they have already grew a shit tons its nuts i love it :) i got a close up pic in here cause i believe shes female still to soon to tell i think though

also she has 5 or 6 tops :)


I duno man those allmost look like bulbs forming in the 3rd pic but it still looks a bit early to tell give it a few more days and hope it is a female.


Active Member
nice training im interested to see how the buds will fill in... i never tried this b4, due to growing my first time now, you pinned the plant down for more yield correct??


Active Member
how far? n if my plant crimps wat should i do? can u check out my thread on cfl grow its got my grow from begining to now and possibly give me sum tips?


Well-Known Member
give me the link to ur grow and ill check it out o and tie her down as far as u want but carefully so u dont break stem

and wat do u mean if it crimps????