sea of green w/64 plants vs 16 plants


Active Member
I've been wondering what setup I should go with. In a 4x4 tent every foot squared I could put 1 plant. Or I could cram 4- 2 gallon bags every foot squared straight from clone. I'm wantingtto use sensi seeds big bud.

Any input?
well ill say this.. ive done a SOG .. and big plants.. SOG is great because u have a ton of Primo nugs.. and u have a quick turn around... it all depends.. how fast do u want to harvest. ? SOG = harvest quicker because less veg time more plants.. im doing a few diff methods myself.. but my recent one I am leaving in the dark for 24 hours before putting to 12/12 is a 400w on a light mover in a 3x6x6 with 66 plants in 1 gallon grow bags.. I will say this.. if u do a SOG. don't use more then 1 gallon bags.. unless u plan on vegging longer then 2 weeks. but I veg for 2 weeks. toss to flower.. usually get 7 gs a plant depending.. strain.. get like a pound for 400w . im trying to beat the pound mark by adding the light mover. so we shall see.


Active Member
well ill say this.. ive done a SOG .. and big plants.. SOG is great because u have a ton of Primo nugs.. and u have a quick turn around... it all depends.. how fast do u want to harvest. ? SOG = harvest quicker because less veg time more plants.. im doing a few diff methods myself.. but my recent one I am leaving in the dark for 24 hours before putting to 12/12 is a 400w on a light mover in a 3x6x6 with 66 plants in 1 gallon grow bags.. I will say this.. if u do a SOG. don't use more then 1 gallon bags.. unless u plan on vegging longer then 2 weeks. but I veg for 2 weeks. toss to flower.. usually get 7 gs a plant depending.. strain.. get like a pound for 400w . im trying to beat the pound mark by adding the light mover. so we shall see.
Well I just want to harvest every two months or how every long big bud takes to haven't. So you said don't use bigger then a 1 gallon bag, I thought it was ever gallon per month of the plants life? I'll probably only veg for a week after cloning so clones can adapt to the transplant into the 1 or 2 gallon bags and I was gonna be using a 600 watt Hps for this setup.


Active Member
To add... I've done alot of reading about SOG and I've read alot of disadvantages that I understand like alot of time being spent watering and such. I'm ok with that it's not a disadvantage for me.

Also I read about a hermie killing the hole harvest which could always happen.

I'm just wondering if one would grow more then the other that's all. I know it depends on environment and all but if environments where the same which would dominate in weight?


Well-Known Member
1 gallon pots gonna limit ur plant size. wouldnt it be equally beneficial to put like 4 4 gallon pots and try to make 4 monsters?
600HPS is some nice wattage for four plants. you could get like 150g/w/plant with some nice topping and lst.
but if you want a bunch of girls to look after then thats cool too lol


Active Member
Yea I've done lst and cut to manipulate the plants structure. I had one plant that was about 4.5ft wide before, but I just spent way too much time in veg. If I'm gonna have a harvest every 2 months or so those techniques are useless.


Well-Known Member
if you do four big plants as oppose to 16 little topping and LST are surely not useless.
and you can easily do a harvest every two months... you just need a veg and flower tent.
but all gravy man do your 16 and let em grow all natural thatll work too. just my 2 cents.


Active Member
if you do four big plants as oppose to 16 little topping and LST are surely not useless.
and you can easily do a harvest every two months... you just need a veg and flower tent.
but all gravy man do your 16 and let em grow all natural thatll work too. just my 2 cents.
I don't mean it's useless but in my situation it is. If it takes about 2 weeks to fully root, then a week for roots to get use to the transplant into 1or 2 gallon bags, I would only have roughly a month left over to top or lst. Plus when your topping it's good to wait about a week before doing further techniques because of stress since the hormones are shifting.

Plus you have to actually veg out after topping to get the most out topping.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing something similar. I have a 4x4 tray and have done both 2 and 3 gallon bags. Depending on brand you can fit from 25 (rows of five) or 36 in the tray. I've now switched to 3 gallon bags which I can fit 16 bags. If you have full access around your tray the 2 g bags aren't bad to water, but like me I only have one side to water from. And with that many short one's it's easier to break off leaves and branches while trying to water the back plants. With 16 bags they are getting thrown in at 12" to 20". Going with seeds or cloning for 64 plants is a lot of work. I've got 1 mother and started throwing 10 girls in every 2 to 3 weeks. And switched to 4 3 gal. bags to cut down on dirt use and time. It really sounds like you need to setup a small veg closet with a couple T5s. This will cut your return time in half (with 16 plants)or 25% with 36+ plants. If you do a veg closet then you can always switch to a perpetual run and harvest every 2 to 3 weeks ( like mine) or every month. Without the veg closet you are closer to 3 months per harvest. I'm a little scattered to day, no sleep. Hope this helps your decision.
I think i have pretty much the same setup as you. Im using a 4'x4' primary space with a 400w hps for flower and 3 mothers in veg under flouros with the cloning domes. My plans are to use 1 gallon milk jugs with the top cut off and make a 6x6 grid in flower and rotate 9 clones every 2 weeks. I might even allow them to veg with the mothers for a week after taking root. Think this enough space or could i cram more?


Active Member
Thanks for your input, I greatly appreciate it. So which setup produced more? The 2 gallon bags setup or the 3 gallon bags setup with just 16 plants? The three bags that I've used are 6.5x7.5 so I could fit about 42 bags in my 4x4 tent. And also I would like to sure that I would also be using a veg tent also. I know a few people who have read this has said that I would need that and that's obvious that's why I never mentioned that, sorry.

I also think that 3 gallon bags would be alot better since I would like to veg for a week or two. I don't want to do a perpetual grow though, I just want to harvest every 8-9 weeks. I know that's what you're supposed to do with a sea of green but I'm trying to do more of a modified version of this method by vegging them for a week or two. Basically my goal is to have one main cola but bigger than the ones that come from a straight clone-to-flower setups. Like a 2.5 ft plant with one big cola.


Well-Known Member
This was grown in a 4 liter Air Pot. I also tested same strain same grow in one liter and got pretty close to this plant, but this was using my Top Spray 1.0 technique.

Now using Hydro Halo Drip Rings but in spray mode



Well-Known Member
I keep a diary on each grow, but toss them once I am done, but probably 1- 1.5 mo. My spray system (combined with aquarium HT5s) is like a super charger, but seeing similar results using 4 @ 18w LED tubes:fire:
ya I go with 1 gallon grow bags.. and fill them 3/4ths of the way only. never had rootbound plants.. and had the same harvest weight with 2 gallon growbags doing same strain same veg time.... basicly u want to have plants that are like 10-20 inches tall .. very little branching.. just buds on the stem from top to bottom. I love doing SOGs just for me.. it was a ton of work. filling 600 1 gallon grow bags with soil.. transplanting them all.. tossin into flower.. watering them all every other day.. or so .. depending how far into flower.. tons of work.. ended up hitting almost 2 grams per watt under 3 1000s.. and that was horizontal .. and also was using 10 diff strains.. 60 clones of each strain .. it was a fucking crazy time.. then a dude I knew got arrested for growing.. and he ran a Sog with 1 1000.. and ran 250 plants and got hit with 10 years in jail. so umm ya I stopped going over numbers to get feds involved.. just not worth it . u could have 10 plants that pull a pound or 2 a piece.. or 250 plants that pull 10-20 pounds.. and the 10 plants would be barely any jail .. the 250.. is fuckin jail for a dime.. maybe 15 years .
SOG will always pull more Colas and Primo buds.. if u do it right.. I did a 5 gallon grow. with trees.. and a 3 gallon grow with trees.. yielding just about the same indoors.. I also am trying right now.. I let 25 plants fill there 3 gallon grow bags with roots fully.. then just flipped to flower without transplanting them into bigger pots.. to see if the transplant helped the yield or not.. I have 5 plants in 5 gallon bags.. to see what yields more.. 6 rows of 5.. 1 plant in each column across the room to make sure its not just the plants closer to the lights yielding more.. soo we shall see.. honestly I think the roots u have before start flower dictate ur yield.. I don't think u need to transplant before flowering but we shall see.. I have a strain that is a very small yielding strain.. but amazing quality. so im trying to find a way to get a yield that will be worth it.. I made a few crosses with it .. so im going to go see soon if I can find a huge yielding amazing strain.. but from my experience.. the amazingly crystally and sticky dense buds are usually not the best yielding strains.. but are amazing quality. id like to find some that are great yielding and with wicked resin profiles.