Season Starter

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
Feb 13- Popped 12 seeds in net cups

Feb 16- 12 pops

Feb 17

Feb 18- Transplanted. Milk jugs are hempy. Culled 2 seedlings. Also popped in an Orange Cookie.

Below are the undesirables
Didn't realize that I never updated. Lost all but the Orange cookie and 1 other due to a week long power outage. Unfortunately, with the lack of light, they went spaghetti. Power went out last Sunday, came back on Friday. Popped 10 new seeds on Friday. 6 popped yesterday (Monday), 1 popped last night. Checked the other 3, no tap roots. To be fair, I use a grinder to get all the seeds out of the bud, so they could have been compromised, either way I put 3 new seeds in.

Here's the spaghettified ones. Compost bin.

Here's the new day old sprouts. Except that little one. Popped last night sometime.


The orange cookie and the "spare" I'm gonna call it.

Didn't realize that I never updated. Lost all but the Orange cookie and 1 other due to a week long power outage. Unfortunately, with the lack of light, they went spaghetti. Power went out last Sunday, came back on Friday. Popped 10 new seeds on Friday. 6 popped yesterday (Monday), 1 popped last night. Checked the other 3, no tap roots. To be fair, I use a grinder to get all the seeds out of the bud, so they could have been compromised, either way I put 3 new seeds in.

Here's the spaghettified ones. Compost bin.
View attachment 4294485

Here's the new day old sprouts. Except that little one. Popped last night sometime.

View attachment 4294484

The orange cookie and the "spare" I'm gonna call it.

View attachment 4294486
wondered why you add cider vinegar?
Orange Cookies is growing lopsided lol. It came from a dispensary bud, origin Franchise Genetics. Turns out, they don't sell seeds. Clone only. Either way, it's new genetics so I'll see if it's any good. So far, not impressed.


Compost bin is doing good. Added some worms. Should give it a nice kick in the ass and make some live feed for the birds.

Side note, it looks like the Orange cookies is droopy, but it's not. Those fans are just twisting back like a horseshoe.
Got 'em! These pricks were trying to shut down my bird shit factory.

Coon got 2 chickens and the opossum was getting some eggs.


This sonofabitch... Traps didn't work, bait didn't work, dogs couldn't get her...

Had to do it the old fashioned way with a red light, lots of coffee and a rifle. Kept me up for almost a week straight. Got a few of my guineas.


Now, all 3 are skinned and nailed to a tree out back and the birds are eating them. Saves some feed and high in protein lol.
All the seedlings except one are "clipt", the one that's a day behind, front left. The bigger ones are getting trained.


This one is getting the Circle Jerk.


This one is getting the Ring of Fire. Orange Cookie.

The solos did their job and kept the plants small, so they are going to get 2 weeks to kick feet in these 1 gallons before flip.


Kept these in the solos for room's sake. They'll get transplanted right before flip so they stay very small. The 2 little ones are for an "experiment", so they will probably be scrapped when I'm done, or they may go outside if the weather straightens out sometime this year.
