Would you support your states secession from the Union under the Federal Government? What if they started a new union under independent state governments?
I think we should abandon the Feds and their debt.
but how? and who is the person to take control?
i think several states could be swayed but an organization has to be in place before you can start a movement.
leaders would have to picked a lot of people to talk a lot of networking it could be done but the feds would be aware of it the whole time and know whos, who and all the intel which would prove to be the downfall of such a movement.
the only way to make this happen is if several people that supported this idea where in already office, with an organization already picked out, and it would have to appear that people agree.
step 1 would be start a militia.
step 2 would be find several people who support the organization, can run for office and are only secretly associated with said organization.
step 3 would be the annoucement by said officials that they are now associated with said organization and succeeding by the will/force of the people.s
step 4 would be the act of the militia to back up the people in office who support the movement and thier new government.
step 5 would be civil war, or rather civil unrest i dont not know how the feds would try to handle this one. it would also depend on how many states joined in and how many sympathizers we had withing the federal government.
nuff said.
also this does not mean i agree with you 100% im just saying in this day and age this is how it would be done. our best hope is that the government someday chooses to reform itself and rewrite everything according to modern times, consulting all the modern day Benjamin Franklins and Thomas jeffersons for a complete restructure and rewrite of everything.