Second day of drying....found a few male flowers. HELP!


Active Member
So i just chopped down on of my girls the other day and I must admit, its one of my best looking ones to date. I checked on the drying process today and noticed as some of the buds are receeding ive noticed a few male flowers on a few of them. Im talking maybe 1 or 2 on a few colas. ive pulled the ones ive found off, but i was curious if theres anything i can do, or what should i do? they hadnt burst yet, and from what i can tell, i dont see any seed pods.

thanks for your help!

match box

Well-Known Member
If your drying there is no problem. Don't take them into your flower room. They can't hurt what you have already harvested.


Active Member
thanks for the quick response. my dry box is in my flowering room, which is also my veg box....just a small 2 plant grow. I do have one other girl about a week away from chop time in the same room. the dry box is pretty well sealed, but does have a few when i just opened it to discover the bananas. should i just take the other girl down and scrub the room before throwing my 2 clones in there


Well-Known Member
It takes more than the week you have left to form a seed in a bud...
In other words, if you get pollen on plants you are taking out in less than two weeks, no worries... I'd worry about the nanner that opened two weeks ago that you didn't catch...
you'll get some seeds... and you'll know why...
Sheiot happens....
Scrub/spray down the room, before you put your clones in... By the time buds would be formed on them there will be no left over pollen...
Good Luck!


Active Member
For your next grow ,research dutch masters reverse gold. its a flower spray that helps the plant produce female flowers only and helps to discourage male flowers. the latest time i would spray this on flowering plants is 4 weeks from harvest. yes i use it as a preventive. good results