Second grow but really the first


Active Member
bongsmiliewell whats up every one this is my second grow but really my first because my first one was chopped down by my mom when they were 16 inch, two of them were maui plants which really pissed me off. any way this pic is day 7 of my grow just wonder what you guys think. temp runs from 77 to 81.5 with the heater on day and night is 73 to 76. pics are from my phone so not the great but good



Active Member
well now two days later and on day 8 i started a 1/4 dose of 8-7-6 miracle gro and seems to be liking it. i will probably do the 1/4 dose for little bit until he gets older and then start him on some 10-15-10 african violet fert. the pic is of day 9. :blsmoke:


bongsmiliewell whats up every one this is my second grow but really my first because my first one was chopped down by my mom when they were 16 inch,
this is just my two beans so take it for what its worth...
Growing in your moms house= bad game
wait untill you can atleast afford an apartment....

think man worst case senario some calls out your grow.. you really want YOUR MOM to go to jail for you?? if your under 18 wait my man if your over 30 then kill yourself you fail.


Active Member
well see the thing is she knew about them and didn't care until they got bigger and then she wanted them gone so i had someone who was going to take them in a couple of days but when i got home she chopped them and said too bad. And i just turned 18 so a apartment is in the works but for now i have a stealth speaker grow which allows for 12in veg then i can transfer them to my bros house for some more veg and flower, and this way still get to grow some what. and the place i got seems to work great to start them off don't you think?


Well-Known Member
Your moms gonna smell them, and chop em down again...

It's a lose/lose situation, I agree grow elsewhere


Active Member
im glad to see you guys care...truly, but as soon as i start to even get barley a hint of scent then they will be transfered for sure, but as of now no scent so will see how big i can get before some scent comes into play
i am doing a stealth gro in my parents house too but my mom doesnt no about it and its stealth the plants are only going to grow about 14-15" then im harvesting but im doing lst so it will work i am using warm white 26w cfls they dont say the exact rating but i belive its 2700k i have 3 and i am making 3-5 plants into sex and the kepping the females if i get less then 2 then im keeping a few males too probly 3 plants max to harvest will the 3 26w cfls be enough? just wondering check out my grow journal ill have it in my sig soon ill b e starting the grow once i get some soil and seeds ceck it out if u want ill be watching ur grow seems pretty good
u shouldnt grow in ur parents house i agree becuz i heard from one of my boys that there friends got caught cuz cops use infared lights to see heat spots and if they see one in ur house they will get a search warrent just a heads up im thinking....if u put a fan in cabnit to cool the lights,get the stems strong,and add a carbon filter on the same one will it be undetechable to the infared if its cooler from the fan? just a thought i aint wanna get caught....ive been in tha cage 2 times and it aint fun


Active Member
oh she don't know about this one shit...and im not going to harvest in my house (way to stinky)... and im not sure on how much lighting is enough for u this is my first cfl , do some looking on here their plenty of info. you do have to change carbon filters and i don't know your house but harvesting in my house would be straight caught even wid a carbon(*most likely)
u shouldnt grow in ur parents house i agree becuz i heard from one of my boys that there friends got caught cuz cops use infared lights to see heat spots and if they see one in ur house they will get a search warrent just a heads up im thinking....if u put a fan in cabnit to cool the lights,get the stems strong,and add a carbon filter on the same one will it be undetechable to the infared if its cooler from the fan? just a thought i aint wanna get caught....ive been in tha cage 2 times and it aint fun
this guys is using CFL's man no way the heat signature would give you away...

I still say dont do it, but because your gonna anyways....just dont flower them.
Keep them on a 24/0 or 18/6 lights on off so they dont try and bud.

and lastly MOVE OUT if your old enough to grow weed you should be mature enough to pay your own bills I think at least
tru i know im using cfls too but thats just what i heard so thanks for that help:) and im budding them in the same area just short bushy lsted p[lants and not a biunch use a carbon filter if u need odar control like me i just need to buy the soil and i need to know whats the shortest pot u can use? i need a short and wide pot so i can get the best of my hight (very low) also how do u slience a fan? a normal desk fan not a computer one?
good idea for fast short plants is 12/12 it from the seed/seedling so it budds faster check out my grow journal if u want ill be starting ver soon just need the soil and im good to go


Active Member
Day 11.5 but my leaves on the three leave are showing a little bit of curling but i didn't water him so he was pretty dry and light was close, will she get better? i will see check tonight and see if she shows better signs:peace: its hard to tell in these pics and she was away from the light for a lil so she drooped back down, but under the light she curls or like "V-shape"



Active Member
this is :leaf:Day 15:leaf: and my PH is getting high so i might lose the bottom two single leaves, but will see. I'm gettin PH down tomorrow so i will water wid some of that tomorrow. despite that everything looks good. :peace:

